Check this vid out on GTechniq trim protectant. YouTube - C4 Tacoma Wheel Arch Wheel arches were cleaned with APC and an IPA wipe down before C4.
Nice, I have g1 and love it as well, you will like c3...little streaky if you use too much but found out one spray onto the MF and you are good for a panel or half a panel.
How can you not be impressed with that video! Did you see the one with the white Chevy S10 pickup from Hawaii that was filmed months afterward? Wicked.
How is the durability of the C2/C3? I recently ordered Werkstat Acrylic Jett Trigger and Carnauba Jett Trigger and am hoping for better durability than Opt Car Wax. Though I don't know how it will play on my parents' vehicles as they only have DG Aquawax and/or Opt Car Wax on their cars. Also waiting on my order of ReLoad from Auto Aesthetica.
From what I have read C2 is about a month and right there or more for c3...then again I have not seen any hard numbers on c3. C2 neat (concentrate) applied will last 6 months. I would say 1.5 months for c3, but wow does it work..and does fill in minor wash marring. I am getting a CF plate made and will try and show some the filling properties once that comes in.
Pak Shak is going to be carrying the line and they are doing intro-style orders via the Pak Shak forum....I believe they just announced pricing and order info today.
If you looking for more of there line and or other size's direct form GTechniq is also great and shipping is very reasonable.
Yep, something like $6 to ship bottle of c4 to the mainland...but looking at possibly picking up some more MFs and other nic-nacks.
It's only been a month, but I can't get over how C4 looks on my trim. I could never get my wiper cowl to stay black. The best product up until now has been Ultima Tire and Trim Guard, but GTechniq has got it beat. I did a 50/50, but want to give it another week or two before taking some photos.
I wonder how C4 compares to Supernatural Trim Sealant. And why am I the only one buying the C2 Concentrate? Am I missing something here? I figured I could try it out full strength as a sealant, and/or try it 20:1 as a spray sealant and that would produce over 340oz of QD/spray wax.
Been using both. I don't know why they didn't identify the C2 Liquid Crystal Concentrate from the C2 Liquid Crystal Diluted Spray. Both are called C2..they should have given a letter after C2. Like C2C and C2S.
I don't know if C3 (spray) is the same as C2. Just used C3 as a quick detailer (clean surface) and the gloss was awesome. Not as slick as FK425, but and gloss factor was a 10. Guess my new gallon of Optimum Car Wax is going to collect dust.