well got fired from my job today. still doesnt feel like its real but oh well. started looking for new one kinda sucks but hated that job anyway
Sorry to hear that... but if you weren't happy there maybe its a blessing in disguise. Best of luck on the job hunt, keep us posted!
good thing you're not in cali, i've been looking for something for 8 months. i need the benefits for my kids and getting insurance on your own is wayyy not doable right now. wish i could find something in the heavy machinery or the like. good luck on finding a new job
wow sorry to hear that. finding work right now is really tough all over the place. I have been looking for work myself since detailing is slow and hardly anyone is hiring. What was your job
You banged the boss's daughter, didn't ya? Seriously though, that sucks. Best of luck on the new job search!
fixing computer (kinda like geek swad, might apply there. most of all i need insuriance right now company focuses on customer service a lot lately, didnt call about 6 customers in period of like 6 month) in timely fashion (keep in mind i did about finished 30 customers units A WEEK so out of about 720 customers, 6 werent called, got fired. would you say BS? yeah job sucked, they made me do more without paying me more, last raise i got was 3-4 years ago. company doesnt believe in cost of living increase nop it was full time thanks Billy. looks like you guys go through ppl very fast nah lol yeah gona start looking tomorrow. i already send out couple resumes and couple things in works
Been there done that!! I was at one place for 7 years and treated like a dog before I realized that it just wasn't right I did 90% of the work for no bonus and no respect. Followed that up with a 3 year stint at another place that wasn't so bad, but I was continually passed over for promotions due to an antiquated seniority policy and realized no matter how hard I worked I'd never make any headway. It sounds like it was for the best... I wish you all the luck in finding something that pays you well, keeps you happy, and respects the time/effort you put in.
correct me if im wrong but they cant fire you for something thats not in your job description right. reason for termination was not in my original job description and i dont remember signing any new job descriptions, it was more of verbal "now you have to do this". i smell legal issues
Many states are "terminate at will" states which means they can let you go with no reason given. You may want to look into that first.