Fresh Start Polish Choices

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by luke093, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    I've stopped purchasing more waxes to add to my collection so that I could invest in quality polishes. Currently I have HD Uno, and while its great at a one step, I want something more. I want to be able to do any type of detail- whether I get some business in the future or not.

    I am pretty much set on M105 as my compound of choice as I heard its great on a DA, and relatively easy to work with.

    What I *think* I need is a middle grade polish maybe M205 to do some really minor correction yearly as well as being able to finish off LSP ready (for when I dont choose to go with PO85RD)
    - For this what are my options? (easy to work with, no dusting, and easy removal are all points im considering)

    As for a true finishing polish I heard PO85RD is killer, but will I notice a real difference only using a 7424XP?

    As for pads I got a good deal on 6 5.5" flats (2x each-Orange, White, Gray) on top of that I have 2 Orange Uno Pads (very similar to LC) and 2 Blue Poxy Pads (I dont know if they are the same as LC Blues.

    Thanks, I am a newbie, so any tips or tricks?
  2. leamangriffin

    leamangriffin Two Bucket System Washer

    I love M205. It is awesome. On an Uber green pad, I have seen 85-90% correction which is amazing for 205. And that is using a PC XP. and one pass and it was LSP ready. Great product. Only complaint I have about M105 and M205 is that they tend to dry out quickly. Other polishes I have work in longer without drying out.
  3. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    M105 is an awesome compound. and 205 is good to pair with m105 but i would look into
    menzerna. i have used both of these and for now i dont see a need for any others. From menzerna i have used power gloss (compound), power finish, Super Intensive, Super Finish and 85rd
  4. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Here's my take on the whole polish thing. Those with every single Menzerna polish in there line is wasting money. M205 I think is unnecessary as well.

    I have only 4 polishes, and will probably never need to exceed that. This is what I have.

    Menzerna SIP
    Menzerna PowerFinish
    Menzerna 85RD

    I use a rotary btw.
  5. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    So do I need powerfinish and SIP? And why do you feel M205 unnecessary?

    I was wondering if PO85RD can finish on M105. My one stepper is def. going to be Uno if needed. For 2 stepping would M105 and PF result in a LSP ready surface?
  6. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I think M205 is unnecessary due to the fact thatin my opinion Menzerna makes better finishing polishes.

    I say sip and 85rd if you decide to polish any other cars than your own. plus some cars might not need anything as agressive as 105.
  7. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    So PO85RD can pick up from where SIP left off (thats good to hear), but if M105 is necessary where do I go next? SIP then 85RD? :shead:
  8. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

  9. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Thanks for the help :), so I cant use M105 and make it a 2 step process?

    I think im getting the hang of this ;)
  10. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    you could try m105 followed with powerfinish. or try 85rd after and see if it works. I have always done a 3 step system when using m105, but try one of the aforementioned and see if it works for you.

    it never hurts to try.
  11. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    I think M105 followed by Uno would would out pretty well... cool, hopefully other can input their suggestions as well. So far it was almost 1 on 1 :p
  12. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    If I can add to this, nice to see someone simplifying polishing. I would go go one step further.

    M105 or Menz PowerGloss. At this point, you should decide on SIP/85rd or Power Finish. The reason I say this is that SIP or Power Finish are capable of cleaning up after either compound. The difference is that if using SIP, you will need to follow up with 106 or 85rd. Power Finish will finish down as nice as 106FA with 85rd adding a very small amount of gloss, too small to make it worth going around the car one more time. If you have a client that has cash burning a hole in his pocket and wants it perfect, than by all means follow up with 85RD. For most clients however, M105 or Power Gloss followed by Power Finish will make just about anyone happy.
  13. porta

    porta Jedi Nuba

    I find 205 is less time consuming the PO106FA, but I get the most gloss from PO106FA.

    I have plenty of polishes and mostly using Powerfinish, but I do like 205.
  14. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    So should I go with M205 instead of Power Finish? It will probably finish better and I heard Megs polishes work faster.

    I realize, that different paints act differently than other with various polishes, so I might give Power Finish a chance one day.

    The last thing that I am wondering is, is a DA can utilize all the benefits of PO85RD?
  15. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    The thing with M205 is that in fact it does have a shorter working time then say, 85RD. You are not going to increase gloss with M205 if you work it longer.

    In fact, if you try to work it too long, you will take away from the gloss. Its the type of abrasives it uses. If you want to work it out for any extended period of time, use either power finish or 85RD after the M105.
  16. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    I think you are better off with PF because of its overall versatility.
  17. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    This is CRAZY@! There are just so many choices out there! If I could I would get them all from Megs and Menz...but money is limiting to a certain degree.

    I just went to DD to see PO83Q and it says on light paints (harder clear I suppose too) you can make it a one step polish. Can anyone confirm?

    I'm going to purchase M105 and 85RD- mainly for my own set of cars and high end jobs (if I get any).

    Can I use a white pad with SIP? or is an orange the polishes "preferred" pad. (Sorry Phil I dont have Uber pads)
  18. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Orange pad with SIP.

    If you are getting M105 and 85RD, and can only afford 1 more polish, get power finish. if you can get 2, then add SIP to the list.

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