Detailing for the Physically Challenged

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by togwt, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Detailing for the Physically Challenged
  2. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Well 1 of my Godfathers is a Korean War Veteran who has been paralized from the waist down since 1952. He is the definition of Iinspiration and determination I have to look no further then Him. He was very attive in his youth football. baseball, track, building his own Dirt track & Drag racing Cars before he went off to WAR and was Injured.

    He went on to Own a very succesfull Insurance Agency, Built and Owned the 1st NHRA Sanctioned Drag Strip in Memphis,Tn. Owned and Operated on top of Engine/Trans building a Very succesfull NHRA Top Fuel Racing teamsfor 3 decades, actually 1 of the Founding Fathers of the NHRA, also a Member of there Hall of Fame. I could go on listing the accomplishment he has acheived untill my index finger would fall off, but I think you get the idea.

    Having said all this, never under estimate the Handicap who are determend to make it on there own. They honestly just want to be 1 of the boys again and not be looked at as some kinda invalid or freak.All you have to do is tell them once>>>"Let me know if I can help you" they are always reluctant, but when he does need help, he'll ask.

    togwt, please excuse me for not reading your intire post(I truly do suffer from A.D.D and my mind drifts.) But I think I read enough to get the jist of it. I have the upmost respect for what you ad to this site,Volunteering your time and Knowledge to help others.:applause:

    Anyway, I would say of course your freind would benefit from the following ideas I have thought of.

    1)2 or 3 buckets and multiple mits one for each side of the car. So he doesn't have to keep moving them around and only fill 1/2 way
    2)0ne of those carts would certainly be handy to tote all the products outdoors
    3) I bet he would get a kick out of 1 of those Foam Guns also
    4) for polishing, certainly a PC is the way to go

    What I would suggest is NOT to offer to do the car 4 him, instead why don't you set a date for a Auto Detailing Hang Out session, bring your car over to do and work on your it. Tell him 1 more time if he needs a hand your right there, and move on.

    I hope something I said will help you and your Freind
  3. littlemissGTO

    littlemissGTO Welcome to Detailing

    How bad does the new PC vibrate? Having some hand strength issues and trying to hang onto the PC while it's vibrating is NOT an easy task to accomplish. Maybe a lightweight rotary would be a better idea for him.
  4. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Thanks for the suggestion, I did add the lightweight Flex rotary for that very reason.

    I also wanted to write the article to help other physically challenged detailer not just fly-boy
  5. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Good Call LMGTO, I have never used anything but a Rotary, I was thinking more alone the lines of weight more then Vibration. I do recall now hearing more then 1 person talk about the Tremendous amount of Vibration the PC has.......I have also heard that the Flex gets Extremely Hot, maybe a pair of those Shock Resistant work-out gloves may help.
  6. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    How about the bucket caddies for the wash buckets? anlso, putting the hose on a hose reel the isnt a pain to wind or unwind? the cart s a good idea. also maybe a good mechanics stool?

    this is a great thread!!!
  7. GritGuard's bucket system with dolly is a means of moving about without lifting. GritGuard simply uses a commercial janitorial equipment so acquiring this system is straightforward. However, the weight of the water would prove a challenge to lift and to drain (more so with a two bucket system) so why not incorporate a drain spigot into the bucket(s)?
  8. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Dang Fahrenheit, not only do you have a Awesome Avatar, you also are full of some great ideas :worship2:

    To bad Billy Mays is no longer with us, you could probaly come up with something he couldv'e pitched...........Of Course Vinnie(ShamWow) is still lurking around somewhere, you know He has to be thinking about making a come back after the passing of Billy :shakehead:

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