my friend asked me to do his 2015 WRX. car is new so he asked to do Cquarz treatment on whole car. Products and tools PC7424XP Positector 6000 Menzerna 2500 Menzerna 106 Megs 105(front bumper to remove etching from bugs) orange pad, constant pressure green pad, purple wool foam pad CG blue wheel cleaner CG citrus wash CG sprayable leather Blackfire tire gel P21S polishing soap Optimum metal polish CarPro IronX soap CarPro Cquartz UK CarPro Eraser CarPro IronX CarPro Reload Sonus ultrafine green clay CG towels DI waffle drying towel (i like it, nice and soft and grabs a lot of water) washed with CG citrus wash, clayed with sonus ultrafine clay, had contamination but not too bad. washed again with Carpro ironx soap. taped if off washed, clayed and taped, end of day one day two. polished car with couple combos on different areas which required different combo of polish and pad, but mostly car was scratch and swirl free (only 1200 miles and dealer hacks didnt touch it on delivery). washed car again, dried and wiped with Erraser. applied cquartz, waited an hour and wiped off with Reload as per instructions. applied tire dressing, cleaned windows, vacumed car and wiped leather with CG spray. here are results exhaust tipes before during exhaust tipes after p21S before opt metal polish some scratches that i found paint readings sorry only 50/50 worth posting, car didnt had any swirls since owner took car home with all white plastic on so dealer hacks didnt touch it reflection shots, power washed the car becouse owner got a lot of bugs from a trip day after coating was applied. they washed right off.