A 2009 BMW M5, in need of a full corrective detail and paint touch up, due to a garage door spring snapping and sending wheels off track and across the hood of this sub 10k mile beauty. Ove the course of 3 days we built up touch up paint and let it cure, sanded smooth and cleared over top and moved onto correcting the paint. In the mean time the engine bay had been fully cleaned and treated, the wheels sealed with THREE applications of Poor Boys Wheel Sealant and detailed the inteior. With all coffee stains removed, and wheels protected, we made sure the rest of this subtle, yet commanding vehicle was flawless in every aspect. The pictures do a lot of the talking here, enjoy! Products used Chemical Guys Citrus wash P21S TAW P21S polishing soap Optimum Metal polish Chemical Guys wheel cleaner Meguairs M105 on purple wool pad with PC Menzerna SIP on orange pad with PC Menzerna 106 + white foam pad on PC IPA 30% Sonus Ultrafine green clay CG maxi suds mix as clay lube Menzerna FMJ Poorboys Wheel sealant Meguiars Super Degreaser Poorboys natural look Sonus Ultrafine Green clay with Maxi suds solution as lube Process: car was rinsed and sprayed with TAW twice, rinsed again and washed. Clayed and washed again, wheels were cleaned and whole car was air dried first and then remaining water wiped with drying towels. After car was taped off and touch up was done on couple spots on hood per customer request. Did test panel on trunk and it had to be compounded first with M105 and PFW pad, paint readings ranged from 98 to 144. Whole car except for roof was done with this combo, roof only needed yellow pad and M105. After that stage, usual follow up with white pad and Menz 106 did not work left too many defects left by compounding so car was done with SIP and orange pad. After it was polished with Menz 106 and white pad. After car was wiped down with IPA mix and sealed with Menzerna FMJ, left on for 20 min and wiped off, next afternoon second coat of sealant was applied, car was cleaned inside and leather was treated with Mink oil, vacuumed. Over corse of 3 days wheels were sealed with 3 coats of Poorboys Wheel sealant. Car was rinsed and dried, tires dressed with Poorboys Bold and bright, windows cleaned. As car arrived: Paint condition Wheels before and after (wheels look like they been somewhat clean outside) Exhaust tips exhaust tips before and after (polished with mothers powerball mini and optimum metal polish) Engine bay was cleaned as well Correction pictures hood doors There was a long scratch on hood Before Wetsanded After Interior before and after After/reflection pics Final pics
Great results especially considering you used a da. Just goes to show that technique has alot to do with good results and not just the machine. Good work!
thanks, consider this, all this was done with PC7424 (not xp version). we gona order 2 griots garage buffers, it will make life much easier, we had 7424xp but dont have it anymore This car came in for in dire need of freshen up. Car belonged to a farmer who probably didn’t care about it much. Car looks like it was not washed in years, there was dirt everywhere. Car prep: Products used Zep purple 4:1 (tire degreaser) Meguiars Superdegreaser (all purpose degreaser) Chemical guys wheel cleaner Zep Citrus degreaser 10:1 (paint degreaser/wax remover) Chemical Guys Citrus wash Clear (car shampoo for removing wax and contamination) Clay Magic Medium clay (very aggressive) Chemical Guys MaxiSuds/water mix (clay solution) Headlights reconditioning: 1000 grit sand paper 2500 grit sand paper Meguairs M105 + purple foam wool pad on PC Menzerna 203 + orange pad on PC Paint correction / protection Meguiars M105 (compound) + purple foam wool pad Rotary/PC Meguiars M205 (medium/final polish)+ green pad IPA 30% (final wipedown after polishing) Collinite 845 Collinite 915 Other CG VRT dressing (trim dressing) Poorboys Natural look (interior trim dressing) Poorboys Bold n Bright (tire dressing) First what we did when car came in was wetsanded the headlights because they original clear coat was peeling. After that all jambs were cleaned, rubber trim around doors were taken off and cleaned. Outside trim was degreased. After that car was washed, finish was so bad that it was hard to drag wash mit on the paint, after wash car was clayed, washed again, there was huge difference after claying the car, there was a lot of contamination. After drying car it was taped off and tried couple combinations and realized that one step customer asked for will not works well. So we decided to do 2 step, after one step paint still had a lot of scratches due to improper washes. But it did finish a lot more glossier and more reflective. Whole car was compounded and followed up with Megs M205. After polishing car was wiped down with alcohol and sealed with Collinite 845, left on for couple of hours and then wiped off, 24 hours after it was waxed with collinite 915 to protect car even further as customer asked, this should yield 6-12 month of protection. Tape was removed and outside trim was dressed Car prep: Trim around windows degreased All body seams cleaned Before/After Paint reconditioning Overall condition of the paint Before/After Before After Trunk 50/50 After polishing Door handles were very scratched up Before after Headlights wetsanded, polished and sealed Trim dressed center grill dressed, sides are not Finished pictures
Misha, You always do top quality work and I like your writeups too. You get such great results with just the PC and the customers are lucky you go so easy on their paint. What brand pads do you like to use with the PC ? Does Sonus still sell the green clay? I only see white on their website.
i got 3 bars long time ago and we on last bar. i see ppl sell it here now and then, probably gona try different clay we use 5.5" uber and 4" LC pads
I remember Sonus green clay @ $5 a bar. That's when I stocked up...I got 20 bars at that time...now I have less...