Detailed: 2002 Porsche 911 Turbo - DD resto

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Misha, Jul 3, 2010.

  1. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    This daily driven, Seal Grey 996 911 Turbo, with 60k miles was corrected by us at Good Vibes Autosport. While a daily driven, considerably milled car, it was in rather decent shape. Definitely many swirls and defects on the vehicle, however definitely kept in great shape being a garaged vehicle. The car was conditioned all around, as the pics will speak for themselves!

    Products used
    Meguiar’s M105 and yellow pad (some place wool was needed)
    Menzerna 203 and green pad
    Menzerna 106 and white pad
    Jetseal109 and blue pad
    Wolfgang Fuzion wax
    Meguairs Superdegreaser
    P21S TAW
    P21S Polishing soap
    P21S Finish restorer
    CG wheel cleaner

    Before pictures of paint

    Paint correction needed Meguiar’s M105 on yellow pad because of deep scratches, spoiler and rear bumper needed purple wool pad. After this car was followed with Menzerna 203 in some areas and in some with Menzerna 106. Paint was cleansed from polishing oils with P21S paint cleanser, then sealed with Jetseal109 and left to cure for 20 minutes, then removed and allowed to cure for another 20 min per instructions, Fuzion wax was applied and removed.

    50/50 paint correction pictures after Meguair’s M105 and yellow foam pad

    Wheels were cleaned with CG wheel cleaner, tires cleaned with Meguiar’s Superdegreaser. Tires were dressed and wheel sealed with Rejex

    Wheels before/after


    Headlights were wetsanded with 1500 and 2000 grit sand paper, polished with Meguiar’s 105, Menzerna 203 and 106 and sealed with Blackfire Wet Diamond

    Tail lights polished with Meguiar’s 105, then with Menzerna 203 and followed up with Menzerna 106

    Exhaust tips were cleaned with P21S polishing soap and polished with P21S finish restorer, sealed with Rejex

    Reflection/final pictures


    Thanks for reading!
  2. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    Looks great misha and oakes team. Did you guys go rotary or DA on this one?
  3. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    Great work! Love the before and afters!
  4. Max405

    Max405 DB Forum Supporter

    GREAT job! You worked magic. Now all that car needs is to loose the turbo twisties and put on some 997 turbo wheels.
    Outstanding job! Thanks Mikael!

    Joe D
  5. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    DA only, we very rarely use rotary (usually for Ceramic clears)

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