This 2000 Volkswagen Jetta came to us as a recent purchase in a heavily neglected state. We were asked to give it a solid thorough cleaning and help bring the paint back a little. Full correction was not asked for or even expected. We gave it a full turnaround and really got the vehicle grime free with the paint brought back to life and fully protected for the winter. The pictures will truly show the differences made. Car prep: Products used Zep purple 4:1 (tire degreaser) Meguiars Super degreaser (all purpose degreaser) Chemical guys wheel cleaner Zep Citrus degreaser 10:1 (paint degreaser/wax remover) Chemical Guys Citrus wash Clear (car shampoo for removing wax and contamination) Clay Magic Medium clay (very aggressive) Chemical Guys Maxi Suds/water mix (clay solution) Headlights reconditioning: 1000 grit sand paper 2500 grit sand paper Meguiars M105 + purple foam wool pad on PC Menzerna 203 + orange pad on PC Paint correction / protection Meguiars M105 (compound) + purple foam wool pad Rotary/PC Meguiars M205 (medium/final polish)+ green pad IPA 30% (final wipe down after polishing) Collinite 845 Collinite 915 Other CG VRT dressing (trim dressing) Poorboys Natural look (interior trim dressing) Poorboys Bold n Bright (tire dressing) First what we did when car came in was wet sanded the headlights because they original clear coat was peeling. After that all jambs were cleaned, rubber trim around doors were taken off and cleaned. Outside trim was degreased. After that car was washed, finish was so bad that it was hard to drag wash mit on the paint, after wash car was clayed, washed again, there was huge difference after claying the car; there was a lot of contamination. After drying car it was taped off and tried couple combinations and realized that one step customer asked for will not works well. So we decided to do 2 steps, after one step paint still had a lot of scratches due to improper washes. But it did finish a lot glossier and more reflective. Whole car was compounded and followed up with Megs M205. After polishing car was wiped down with alcohol and sealed with Collinite 845, left on for couple of hours and then wiped off, 24 hours after it was waxed with Collinite 915 to protect car even further as customer asked, this should yield 6-12 month of protection. Tape was removed and outside trim was dressed Car prep: Trim around windows degreased All body seams cleaned Before/After Paint reconditioning Overall condition of the paint Before/After Before After Trunk 50/50 After polishing Headlights wet sanded, polished and sealed Trim dressed center grill dressed, sides are not Finished pictures
Looks great! And I think someone has said this before...what's with all these poor neglected Jettas all of a sudden?
Headlights were ok just clearcoat started to peel off so I wetsanded clear completely off middle pic is wetsanded, not how it was when we got it if that's what u think
Whats the easiest way to remove the white lithium grease... my dad went nuts on hinges "to keep them rust free." He did a very messy job and APC just didnt cut it, as much pressure was needed and it wasnt the making the paint on hinges looking nice... Honda soft clear!
Quality work! Looks much better without the 10 years worth of road grime. Ever worried about Zep Purple damaging the rims when cleaning the tires? I have a jug of it sitting in the garage (unopened), not sure if it's safe to use on non-steel parts. I suppose once its diluted it's not too bad.
not sure about how to remove it. i think zep should be able to remove it i go from Richy advice on using this product and so far no damage observed. dont spray on rims, usualy if you spray on tires it just runs on rim edge and doesnt get on face, scrub it and rise with large amounts of water, works ok for me