DB Member Featured in Newspaper

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by akimel, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. akimel

    akimel Birth of a Detailer

    A Detailing Bliss member, Daniel Wendell, has been featured in the Roanoke Times. And the young man is not yet 16. What kind of detailer will he be in ten years? I imagine we'll all be working for him! :)

    Congratulations, Dan!

  2. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Awesome writeup Daniel!! Keep it up.
  3. DG 501

    DG 501 Jedi Nuba

    Holy Cow Daniel!!! Very impressive article! That is outstanding that you are so young and have already found detailing to be so rewarding, as well as, a potential career! Congrats! It was a very impressive article... you should be proud!
  4. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Daniel, was this a PR stunt, or did the Roanoke Times randonly contact you?
  5. Charlies02GLS

    Charlies02GLS Jedi Nuba

    Nice publicity...wish the writer would have bothered checking what a mil is actually equal to though.
  6. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    WOW, Most impressive...Thats great. I'm very happy for you...:worship2:
  7. Wendell inc.

    Wendell inc. Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks guys! And especially you Al! I owe all of my skills to you guys!

    Al, i might have to hire you to be my public relations guy ;) hahahaha. Ile shoot you an email when i take delivery of the 356.

  8. Grey Ghost

    Grey Ghost Jedi Nuba

    very impressive Daniel!
  9. Wendell inc.

    Wendell inc. Birth of a Detailer

    Sortof both, I was going to contact them but they got to me first.
  10. Wendell inc.

    Wendell inc. Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks man!

    Thank ya sir! You are a gentleman and a scholar.

    Yea... same... i guess it got lost in translation but i doubt some potential clients will catch it and if they do then i will just correct it.

    but thanks man!

    Thank ya buddy!

    Appreciate it!
  11. heatgain

    heatgain Guest

    Nice Daniel! You hiring? :)
  12. Wendell inc.

    Wendell inc. Birth of a Detailer

    Hahaha, I dont think I will get that much publicity from this hahaha
  13. akimel

    akimel Birth of a Detailer

    Haha! Well, I am presently looking for a job. You can pay me in Dodo currency. :)

  14. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Very cool Daniel! Be sure you stick to school though, detailing on the side, then once you graduate college you can see where the detailing/diploma takes you! :)
  15. Purplewidow

    Purplewidow Obsessive Detailer

    Wendell keep up the great work!!!! and one thing GO TO COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if something happens to your back as it did to me.. you won't be able to detail as a job sadly.. and you can always get smarter.. so go!!!!!!!

    but don't change your job status if detailing is what you want DO IT!!! don't be a doc or a lawyer.. do what makes you happy bro!!! get a business or entrepreneur degree to help with your selling and it would be a broad backup if an injury screws detailing up for you.. i hope it never happens but at 30 if something does happen are you going to want to go back to college then? HELL NO well actually i would love to go back.. but for 4 years of studying no thx.. but the other experiences makes it all worth it!!

    congrats wendell hope things keep going great!!!!!!

    keep up the good work!!!
  16. razr007

    razr007 Banned

    As i stated before keep up the good work i think you will do well in the future and keep your love for the sport going good luck nice job pal
  17. advs1

    advs1 DB Forum Supporter

    WOW, that was an awesome write up. Keep at the books like others have said, i wish you all the best young man. it's great to see kids with purpose now a days.
  18. TheJag

    TheJag Birth of a Detailer

    very nice dude! you're way ahead of me hahaha!
  19. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    Congratulations.Very impressive. Keep up the good work.
  20. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Congrats Daniel!!!! Excellent article!

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