Is seperation in a bottle of Wash n GLoss ok?? I figured I could just shake it up and it would be alright...
Perfectly normal for it to seperate. Thats just the glossing agents seperating. You are correct in just shaking it up really well before using it.
From my short (a bit over a month) experience with CGCWG yes it's fine... the gallon I have does that and so does the soap in the smaller 8oz. bottles in which I put it to use... I also got a new gallon a few days ago and same thing is happening... hoping someone with more experience will chime in
I noticed all the bottles on the shelf were like this when I visited a showroom. The gallon I picked up does it as well. I just give it a good shake before I use it.
I read a few threads on CGCWG and some had said that it leaves behind a haze from the glossing agent, have any of those that have used it recently had this problem??