CG Pro-Polish and EZ Creme Glaze

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by ptirmal, May 8, 2009.

  1. ptirmal

    ptirmal Virgin Detailer

    Have these two products that I never used. Would like to trade for a carnuba. Maybe a sampler size of something like supernatural.
  2. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Definitely try EZ Creme Glaze before you trade it! What a fantastic product...
  3. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    true that. On polished surface it is very hard to beat this combo - EZ Creme---Jetseal 109---Pete's 53.
  4. ptirmal

    ptirmal Virgin Detailer

    You guys make me want to keep it but I don't have any decent carnubas, only sealants which wouldn't be good to use on top of the glaze... Maybe I should just go ahead and buy some decent carnuba to top ez creme glaze.

    Either way if anyone wants the pro-polish or the glaze for a trade of something let me know, I'm open to offers.
  5. odgaard

    odgaard Birth of a Detailer

    exact combo im going to do on my m3 once i have time to polish her. a detailers car is always dirty haha
  6. Dsoto87

    Dsoto87 Jedi Nuba

    Your really missing out man. EZ creme is one of the best glazes to go under a sealant. It clean slightly, fills slightly, but really amps up the gloss. Its an acrylic based glaze, not oil based. You should have no problem with bonding.

    Being that I have a silver car, I have used quite a few sealants and have not experienced one problem using EZ Creme under any of these.

    Try it out. Its great stuff.
  7. GLuXuRy

    GLuXuRy Birth of a Detailer

    ill add another thumbs for for the CG eZ glaze
  8. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    I agree. I got a sample from Cotter An Excellant product. Give it a shot...:agree::agree::agree:

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