Best dust/dirt repellant LSP

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by hippiesrock03, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. hippiesrock03

    hippiesrock03 Virgin Detailer

    So I own a black metallic pearl mk6 gti. I live in an apartment and park outside 24/7 in whatever weather conditions are outside (in NC). I usually wash using ONR after spraying the car down at a self serve wash bay. My question is what product would you recommend for me as a long lasting LSP? I have time to reapply whatever LSP in a garage about 2 times a year. Currently I'm using powerlock topped with AGHD but it attracts so much dust and dirt (lots of construction here).
    I've heard Wolfs HD is pretty dust resilient. However I ordered Opticoat V2 a few days ago and I was planning on using it when I detail my car for the new year. So, Opticoat, HB, or something else?
    I need something that's more dust and dirt resistant, scratch/mar resistant and able to stand up to the climates and environment (tree sap, bird droppings, etc). I don't always get a chance to check my car everyday.
    Thanks guys!

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  2. Bmer89

    Bmer89 DB Forum Supporter

    I haven't used Opti-Coat myself, but Hard Body is definitely an excellent product. Getting dirt on your car is inevitable with any LSP you choose, but HB keeps dust down to a minimum and dirt falls right off with a good rinse. I'm still not a fan of putting a permanent coating on my car though. Opti-Coat is going to scratch and mar too, and you will have to polish it out to maintain perfection. Then you'll have to re-apply it. So its really only permanent if you're never gonna keep up on it. Just my thoughts. I use Hard Body :)

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