Is it possible? Whenever you hose the car down the water freezes on contact with the car. Is it feasible or a decent idea to fill buckets with hot water and just pour on the car to rinse? haha.
I stupidly attempted it one time and even though it doesn't freeze on contact it only takes a few moments for it to ice up. Invest in some ONR and you are golden.
Maybe water + icing up = the new way to wash the car as all the dirt build up gets stuck to the ice? lol
Winter sucks for cars, but its fun to drift! Honda CRV 4WD, who knew it can be this much fun! Salt sucks...
lol doubt it, probably more harm then good, just imagine taking a waffle weave to an icy finish and the marring you would induce into the paint or even scratches. When I tried this I was just in the rinsing stage and stopped immediately.
i just did it 25 deg and i had frozen suds on the car:duh: I had to quickly try to get as much as possible with a pressure washer. than take it in the garage put some portable heaters. and get this, do a 3 bucket wash. one hot water ,2 warm water and onr . the wheels are the worst water freezes up on those bad boys instantly. in the end got it all clean.
hahahahahaah that sounds like it WOULD work. Ive just been doing it in the sun, or inside. It sucks, im so used to once a week washes, now im doing once every 2 if that,and some spray downs every day.
I just go to those coin operated coin washes and hose it down once a week. There is so much snow here and dirt on the road my only intent is to get a layer of dirt off my car before several layers accumulate.
I've already had ONR freeze on me a couple times here in nj. first was actually a three weeks back early in the morning at a customers and just yesterday. it was pushing 28 degrees and fading sun, cloudy, and windy...can you say bad combo? luckily I was at his office and i was able to pull the car in his warehouse and go over the frozen areas with some more warm onr. I usually dont bother pulling it in because there's always activity and i don't want to be in the way but it was necessary yesterday. i'm really jealous of you guys with shops this time of the year. :campfire: