Well i found another brand i want to try i have been to there site and there are a few products i am interested in trying. It all looks like it is ment to be used in the high flow detail shops, easy to use with good results. i am just curious to try it. The best part is that they have a distubutor in calgary, guees who is getting a call on tuesday? Ok so now that im done my rambling, has anyone tried it? would you recomend any spefic product? thanks in advance
The XP or whatever it is, is good. I think it is some sort of synthetic compound. I really didn't know they had a distributor in Calgary. I thought it for sure was elsewhere. Are you getting it mixed up with carbrite? They are in Calgary and they have a good product line as well. IIRC automagic pads are a pretty good deal as well. we are expecting reviews soon!
I just checked there website, i know they used to have a distubator in edmonton but i guees its now in calgary... so carbrite is in calgary hmmm.... And reviews, you know i dont do reviews
i used to use a lot of high volume detailing products and have found there ok. give you pretty good results . but for me not nearly as good as boutique products .
wowo i just realized how much my last post sucked. I don't remember what I tried but it was XP _______ which describes 70% of their product like I just checked their website as well, and IIRC that place sells cyclos as well. I am not sure if they are normal cyclos or the "Risk Free: cyclos. I think you will be impressed by their banana wax and XP seal though.
I use lots of auto magic and car brite stuff at the dealership Mike. feel free to ask whatever you want and i'll try to answer if i know. Edit: I know their wire and chrome wheel cleaner works very well, but theres just so many I could talk about, so if there is anything more specific then hit me up.
I'm curious about the chrome wheel cleaner 89s1. Could you tell me what makes this line so god? Got any pictures? I've never used this line.
what makes it good is that it works on thick caked brake dust like nobodies business, i can remove most all with a wipe of my gloved finger, let alone a brush next time i get a real nasty bmw wheel i'll take b4 and afters with this stuff pardon the fact that they will likely be cell pics, the camera doesnt usually come with me to work edit: it also works to loosen rust buildup from the lugnuts on old wheels, then it can be removed with a brush and some elbow grease.
hmm that sounds interesting, is it safe on all wheels or is it harsh? ohh also does the dealership you work at sell AM to people or do I have to order from someone else? and thanks for the info
we have a guy come by and take our orders weekly i'll get you a card with all his info. he's a local supplier.
cool thanks, I tink he listed on the AM website, I keep forgeting to call. but yeah a card would be great. Thanks.
Man Calgary you took the words right out of my keybord hahahaha I was about to ask the same thing lol
thats no good, im not sure I want to try it anymore . It sounds alot like wheel acid, not stuff I like to play with three products I was looking at are Triple seven cleaner, banana magic, and xp seal it. I am looking at getting some higher volume crap for customers cars. I dont want to sacfrifce alot of apperance or durability but its not realistic to put 200 buck wax on a car when im not making that much... so any info would be grealty appricated. TIA
ok kevin, i have alist lol. I was wondering if you knew anything about the following seal-it banana magic no 777-cleaner no 61 dress it right body shine leather conditioner and cherry bubbles any info on these would be great, and sorry fo all the questions