Aquartz Reload

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by detaildude3629, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. detaildude3629

    detaildude3629 Birth of a Detailer

    Waiting on my order to arrive from Philp, I ordered Reload and Iron x, should arrive tomm. can't wait, anyway have a couple vehicles to detail this week, would like to know can Reload be used as a Lsp, would like to try it out,and what duriblily will it give?..thanks for any information.:applause2:
  2. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Reload can be used as a LSP, a little goes a long way and the finish looks wonderful after it is wiped down.

    I will officially say AQuartz is the "Poo", no water spots after the rains we have had and I did not wash my truck on purpose for over a week and half so it was grimy.......washed tonight and "Boom" cleaness with NO SPOTS.
  3. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    better then the Car Pro RELOAD?
  4. newbie001

    newbie001 Birth of a Detailer

    How long is reload (CarPro version) supposed to last?
  5. rfinkle2

    rfinkle2 DB Forum Supporter

    In my experience, yes. The Car-pro version is very oily, imo.

    It is certainly much easier to apply.

    I believe Emile shares the same opinion.
  6. detaildude3629

    detaildude3629 Birth of a Detailer

    Wow that sounds great..will try out tomm..can't wait to see results..what is the application process???thanks.
  7. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    reload application is easy, make sure you car is clean, light spritz of reload on the paint, buff to a shine.
  8. detaildude3629

    detaildude3629 Birth of a Detailer

    That is very easy,,says on bottle paint has to be damp or moist, that is what i was wondering..thanks for the information..
  9. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    its a good idea, you can wash the car then spritz on the reload and buff dry.
  10. Wheelz25

    Wheelz25 Jedi Nuba

    doesnt the front of the bottle say 2 mode wet or dry? i always use it dry and see no negative effects. i guess if the paint is wet its easier to spread but regardless the stuff its great
  11. MFE

    MFE Virgin Detailer

    Reload is amazing. Great protection and beading. My favorite spray sealant/wax
  12. detaildude3629

    detaildude3629 Birth of a Detailer

    Well thanks guys..that is a bunch of information,will try both ways..
  13. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    correct it does so which ever way you want, I did it dry the other day.
  14. detaildude3629

    detaildude3629 Birth of a Detailer

    thanks guys..
  15. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Ive been using the Carpro dry, it does streak a little, does it streak less when sprayed as a drying agent? Since I usually use a blower to dry my car, ive never had to use it as a "wet" mode. but it is a great product, by far one of the better products in my arsenal. they claim 6 monthes, but I apply every other wash, so who knows with that method, it could last indefinably. beads like crazy.
  16. newbie001

    newbie001 Birth of a Detailer

    I'm confused. On the CQuartz website (Aquartz Reload) it not only says 2 months (I thought I remember seeing 6 months as was just mentioned above), but it also says 'AQuartz Reload'.

    Has anyone every figured out if these are really the same, or are they just copying/pasting information from each other's websites?

    Also, AQuartz website says 4 months: "AQuartz Crystal Titan PPF Coatings"
    This website also mentions Reload Premium. Any idea what that is?
  17. newbie001

    newbie001 Birth of a Detailer

  18. newbie001

    newbie001 Birth of a Detailer

  19. rfinkle2

    rfinkle2 DB Forum Supporter

    They are absolutely not the same.

    I have both.

    The Carpro version of reload is very streaky in my experience.

    I like and use the Aquartz version of reload and the long term sealant.
  20. d964

    d964 Two Bucket System Washer

    Hi Guys

    carpro reload and the aquartz reload are completely different, i cant tell what exactly the other Korean company use inside
    but ours has 5% silica in the formula. highly strong concentrated spray which gives very nice water beading effect and for long time , even after wash with soaps or APC.
    the reason you see almost same design is because that Korean company is trying to copy all our products.
    the accessories you see at there site cannot be supplied , since CarPro wool wash mitt is exclusively OEM made for us.
    i will change the word : "aquartz" reload from our site , thank you for this notice newbie001,

    about the streaking problem, you need to spray very little on surface, there is no need to spray allot. use short loop MF , not plushy for wiping off, for dark color cars carpro reload can be diluted for less possible streaking since dark color paints are more "sensitive"

    please notice!.

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