Aquartz and Aquartz+ paint coatings

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by togwt, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Aquartz and Aquartz+ paint coatings

    Aquartz paint coatings are nano technology product that provides long term durability on painted surfaces, glass and wheels. This is not a sealer that forms a barrier but rather a modification of the surface chemistry on a molecular level to provide a permanent easy to clean and protective surface, which is easy to apply. The super hydrophilic (< 20 deg) works by repelling water and preventing adherence of any contaminates. On a microscopic level the painted surface is not completely smooth, so water and dirt on the surface can build up easily; Aquartz allows the dirt to simply rinse away and provide a clean surface, thus reducing any water marks on surface. Soils cannot settle into the painted surface, the coating is very durable and ultra violet (UV) resistant. It is not miscible and resists detergents.

    The super hydrophilic (<20 deg) works by repelling water and preventing adherence of contaminants. On a microscopic level the painted surface is not completely smooth, so water and dirt on the surface can adhere and build up easily. Aquartz allows the dirt to simply wash off and provide a clean surface, .leaving less water marks on surface

    This unique coating has another major benefit "Anti Calcium Effect”, with most other sealants or nano coatings, dried water spots penetrates the coat, and then it is very hard to wipe them off, with our coat it will not bond to the coat and will be very easy to remove the water spot.

    Aquartz and Aquartz+

    Application Methodology


    1. Spray on a thin layer
    2. Using a rotary (600 – 1000 RPM) or an orbital (speed #4 ) and a 100 PPI soft foam pad, spread a thin coating
    3. Heat with a hair dryer for approx 5 min
    4. Allow to cool for approx one hour
    5. Remove any residue with a micro fibre towel
    6. Repeat steps above for second layer

    Aquartz+ Xcelerator

    1. Applied with a soft foam hand applicator (thin layer)
    2. Used hair dryer for approx 5-10 min
    3. Allow to cool for approx one hour
    4. Using a clean micro fibre towel removed the Aquartz+ residue
    5. Use a soft micro fibre towel to buff

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