Anyone remove vehicle parts to get better access?

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Nikku, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. Nikku

    Nikku Jedi Nuba

    Hey everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone removes certain parts of a vehicle to get better access to locations that would normally be inaccessible without removing parts. For example a side blinker, spoiler (attached via double sided tape), door guards, etc. If so how do you go about it?

    I find it a lengthy chore when attacking those little pesky corner where the trunk meets a spoiler lip. Regardless of how close I get to the spoiler that has been taped off I can never get 100% correction. Any tips?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    I remove those t-bars on the roof of Suburban Luggage racks. Hope this helps you alot:giggle:
  3. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    I have removed the spoiler on my car to detail before. It is 4 bolts and easy to remove. I tape off side marker lights, but could easily remove them. I have seen plenty of pics in the show and shine section where people do this often.
  4. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    On a car that doesn't belong to me? I usually don't remove stuff. I don't want to break something like a little plastic fastener, or set off an airbag warning light, etc.

    Sometimes it'll be easy stuff though, because the owner has told me how to remove it, or because I've done it before, or because it's obvious. Removing ashtrays is usually easy to figure out. Cupholders on E46 BMWs pop right out of the console. So stuff like that, I'll remove. But mostly, if it's secured to the car with some sort of fastener, I leave it attached.
  5. grease

    grease Birth of a Detailer

    It depends on how long I have the car for and to what extent its being detailed...
    I have removed seats, license plate holders, roof racks, wheels, and sometimes grills.
  6. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    I use M105 by hand followed by M205
  7. richy

    richy Guest

    Removing stuff on your car is one thing, but the customer's car..the ONLY thing I ever remove is the licence plates (and sometimes you can't) as well as a fixed mast antenna. Stuff is WAY to easy to break and then guess who's paying for way. Leave it, go around it.
  8. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Like Richy, I only remove license plates and of course junk from an interior if I'm cleaning the interior, hehe.
  9. aznives3

    aznives3 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    on my s2000 detail i removed my washer nozzles on the hood lol, i wanted to remove my spoiler to make it easier, took out the 4 bolts and realized that it was taped on there as well, didn't wanna go through the hassle of the messy tape and then having to buy new tape etc etc, so i just left it on. if i had to do a customer car though, i doubt i'd be trying to rip anything off unless you were 100% certain you wouldn't break anything and could put it back together and have it look like it did before
  10. Mr. Shine

    Mr. Shine Birth of a Detailer

    The only thing that I have removed on customers vehicles is the interior door sills. I find it much easier to remove the sills and clean/vacuum/shampoo the carpet underneath without these obstructions in the way. Not to mention it takes alot less time.
  11. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    I remove all kinds of things but I have spare parts

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