I was browsing the internet for more car care products when I came across these, P21S Windshield Wash Booster 303 Products, Inc.: Instant Windshield Washer Tablets I noticed they both are added to the washer fluid to help strengthen cleaning power while leaving a clear finish, then it struck me that ONR also has pretty good cleaning capabilities and leaves a slick finish on the painted surface as well as glass. So tonight I just added a bit of ONR into the washer fluid for the summer months to combat bug splatters.
Ditto. Though I seem to recall threads on this in the past where adding ONR to the washer reservoir left streaks on the paint where the ONR dried. I can't remember 100% on that though.
The ONR bottle states not to let the product dry on the paint ... let us know how it works out for you. I'm thinking about getting the 1Z washer fluid.
funny. i try never to use my washer fluid... drives the lady crazy. but when i do it shoots all over the car and head lights blah blah. .
I have both p21s and 1z windshield wash additives. Haven't used the 1z one yet, but the p21s does a decent job. I barely ever use it though. My glass stays really clean as it is. But when following behind a semi truck during a light rain or something, that throws up too much grime to just roll off the windshield.
I've often thought about just filling my washer fluid tank with water and adding 1-2oz of ONR. I drive on the highway a lot and if I have to use my windshield washers, I will not hesitate. At 70mph, the washer fluid gets all over the paint on the sides of the windshield and leaves streaks and everything until I wash them off during the next wash. So it makes me wonder whether it's safer to let ONR/water dry on the paint or to let the windshield washer fluid dry on the paint. One of these days, I will bother to try it out.
Haven't used P21S, but I LOVE the 1Z. Best product I've used to date, even with caked on bug splatter on the windshield.
I used P21S some years ago and never saw any perceivable difference between plain washer fluid and washer fluid 'charged' with the P21S product. I've not tried the 1Z product, but I'm hesitant about it all now after the P21S was pretty much 'useless' for me.
Keep in mind it wasn't a quick 1 sec squirt. I always let the fluid keep spraying until the debris has been wiped away, or there is not further change in the windshield condition.