Allow me to introduce to you

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by cu2mike, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    My new Nikon 28-70 2.8 aka THE BEAST


    Sample shots from this lens coming soon :giggle:
  2. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    Nice Mike! Looking forward to the "sample shots" if they're anything like the other photo.
  3. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    Oh I'm going to the OC Fair today, I'm sure I'll be able to crank out decent pictures :)
  4. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    is it on full frame or apc-s?
  5. willjco

    willjco DB Forum Supporter

    Cant wait to see some sample photos
  6. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    Nice man. How much are these new or used? This is definitely something I will get soon.
  7. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    Crop, I have a D7000, still waiting for D700 successor.
    Which is why I bought the beast instead of 17-55 2.8, I'm going full frame in the near future.
  8. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    Nikon discontinued these in 2007, they now make the 24-70 2.8.
    Used price should be between 950-1000 shipped, I bought mine for 965 shipped with original box, soft case, front and rear cap + lens hood.
  9. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    Shots from today was meh, I'm not used to this lens yet, need to shoot it more often, lol.

    But here are the samples I promised,


    mmmmmm curly fries

    Swing dancers

    Enjoying the curly fries much?

    Look at the size of them pumpkin
  10. Cooter

    Cooter DB Forum Supporter

    Awesome lens!!!! Gotta love that F2.8!!! Congrats!!
  11. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Very nice pics Mike. Keep em coming.
  12. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    Such a sharp lens. Great pics Mike
  13. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    Yeah @ 2.8 it is pretty sharp, but it's nothing like stopping down to f4 and up though, lol
  14. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    Thanks guys!
  15. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    Ranrom shot around the house, this one was wide open as well,

  16. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    Same shot but at f/9 instead of wide open,

  17. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    Vegas bound in T - 5 hours!
    I've put together my little "traveling kit" :giggle:

  18. DaytonaJae

    DaytonaJae Birth of a Detailer

    I love nikon equipment. Those lens photos are like porn.
  19. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    The room I got for cheap :giggle:

    1. Living room

    2. Kitchen

    3. Bedroom/Bathroom

    4. Jacuzzi tub

    5. Fancy lights at the Cosmopolitan Resort

    6. Took me a few tries to get the subject/background exposed correctly
  20. HouseofShine

    HouseofShine Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Nice shots. Makes me want a good DSLR even more.

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