Would there be any benefit to topping BL with 476S? I will be applying BL this week and its new to me. It's listed as a glaze/sealant. I like the durability of my 476S so thought it might be worth putting it over top. Where would the V7 fit in during all this? Am I best off just going with the BL and V7? Thats a lot of questions I guess but I am still a newb. Thanks again. Mike
Pretty sure the 476s will strip your BL. It's pretty high in solvents. I would stick to BL + V7, they work together. Correct me if i'm wrong!
I believe 476s has no cleaners whatsoever. I always thought it was a bit overkill to top anything off with 476s, it's so durable on it's own. I always compared it to zaino Z2 for it's durability. Since we're all wax freaks, I always like to top my sealant with some Victoria yellow