2012 Lightning Red WRX - 1 Step Correction & Opti-Coat

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Cobrakai, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Cobrakai

    Cobrakai Virgin Detailer

    Hey guys,

    Was contacted on the Subaru forums about a possible correction and Opti-Coat application. After throwing around some numbers and correction rates including the time requirements, we decided on a one step correction, followed up with OC 2.0. I chose menzerna PF2500 paired with Lake County Hydro-tech Tangerine and Buff & Shine Green pads for a decent amount of correction that would finish down nicely.

    Total time: 14 hours

    On Arrival:



    Swirls very apparent, even through the layer of soil.


    Backed the car out after a wash and clay bar to see what I was up against, it turned out to be a very long day and night.



    Sadly I was really fighting the clock on this one as I had forgotten how large these vehicles are compared to the 02-07 body style that I am so used to. So there aren't many during or 50/50 shots :(, however, I believe this one gets the point across.


    After shots



    And my personal favorite... the money shot



    All questions and comments welcomed, thanks for looking.


    MGEVOX New Member

    Nice work make sure that owner gets some better maintenance washes going or not if you want to see him more frequently, lol!! Nice work again though I'm sure the owner was thoroughly pleased.
  3. Cobrakai

    Cobrakai Virgin Detailer

    I agree with you 100% on that, after he picked it up we spent a bit talking about "proper" washing methods, products, and etc. Thanks, he was floored to say the least.
  4. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    great job!
    Cobrakai likes this.
  5. CG6Lemon

    CG6Lemon New Member

    Good change from seeing all the famous blue subies. Good correction with a one stepper.

    Cobrakai likes this.
  6. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    great 50/50 shot. thanks for sharing.
    Cobrakai likes this.
  7. Cobrakai

    Cobrakai Virgin Detailer

    Thanks for the kind words guys.
  8. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    Amazing work!!
  9. bentley147

    bentley147 Jedi Nuba

    cool cool

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