This truck was only scheduled for a simple wash and seal. The owner just purchased this truck and opted out for the dealership “protection package”. Instead I was the fortunate person who was to apply the protection to the truck. Well here is the vehicle: As you can see, winter is a bit harsh to vehicles around here. Well got all the buckets ready to go: The entire truck was washed along with the wheel wells, rims and tires. Once the washing process was done the truck was clayed with yellow Riccardo clay bar. Followed up with my favorite sealant: Sealant was left to haze up: With various cookie monsters the sealant was buffed off, glass was cleansed with a glass micro fiber towel and Stoners Invisible Glass and here are the end results: Well that does it for this truck, hope you enjoyed the simple write up.
Thank you for the kind feed back guys, I agree black sure is a lovely color to detail, it's just so rewarding when it's all said and done :nod: :nod: This Duragloss combo gives the surface such a shine, best part it's a great lasting sealant. Oh and yes lovely truck with lots of real estate :nod: :nod: Glad you guys enjoyed the simple write up.
Glad you enjoyed it, well I've been a tad busy with work and detailing here and there haven't had much time to finish up a few write ups, a few more to come but in due time :sorry: