2008 Bull Run

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Nica, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well this was quite the event this past weekend, there were some incredable vehicles and I was there to take some pictures. Here are some pictures of the famour Bull Run :cheerl:




    Oh yes there was lots of eye candy :whistle:







    Oh yes, a few friends of mine got together and I asked my friends wife to pos...just a little :whistle:



    Just love these head lights :worship2: :worship2:









    Oh yes, Lexus was being represented :cheerl: :cheerl:















    Oh my friends kids were so cute I had to take this picture :thumb:

    An entire block full of Porche :druling: :druling:


    hmmm...Ferrari :worship2: :worship2:


    Sweet vehicles :applause2: :applause2:






    Oh that's right two Spykers :cheerl:






    Well I have more pictures to load but I need to ge them from my friend as he took more pictures then me.

    oh I also got a chance to get this video:
    YouTube - Calgary Bull Run 2008

    Hope you enjoy, as soon as I get the other pictures I'll load them up as there were more vehicles to drule over.
  2. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That is fantastic, I'd love to have money like that one day just to piss it away on cars and a legal street race across the continent!
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Yea, $20K to enter and you are responsible to get the vehicle to the starting line and responsible for gas, repears, bailing your self out of jail..ect..ect.....sounds like a wicked race and not to mention the amount of night life you get to have durin the race :cheerl:

    If all goes according to plan I hope to enter the Bull Run one of these days :woo: :woo:...first I need to purchase my Ferrari ;)

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    my money is on the lotus, none of these cars are going to last......
  5. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    We all now the R8 will last and win!! GO AUDI :D
  6. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    R8 for me as well! There have been other runs similar to this like the Gumball Rally, etc.

    Sweet pictures Carlos!!!
  7. sly

    sly Birth of a Detailer

    Spykers :druling::druling::druling: Thanks for sharing Nica:thumb:
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Yea when I saw the Spykers man I was druling, incredable vehicles...the Aston Martin looks GORGEOUS in person wow. I mean I'm a big Ferrari lover but if you put the F430 beside the Aston Martin (wich they were for a few minutes) I had a tough time looking at the Ferrari, the Aston Martin is just pure beauty...even my wife said that the Aston Martin looked much better then the Ferrari :shead:

    Any who, yea I'm quite curious who's going to win. The R8's looked incredable too and loved the colours :druling:...ooh the rims on them were really nice too.

    As I was driving in to work this morning I heard on the radio that several vehicles got speeding tickets and that a Gallardo was pulled over for doing 194k/h SAAAAAWWWWWEEEEEETTTT :wicked: not so sweet for the driver though :shrug:
  9. Kron

    Kron Two Bucket System Washer

    Carlos its ASTON, This is an Austin :giggle:

  10. Nica

    Nica Banned

    lol...sorry my bad hahahaha :lol2: so that's what an Austin looks like hahahahaha

    There fixed :whistle:
  11. TravisJ

    TravisJ Virgin Detailer

    Nice meeting you there Nica. Bullrun looks like good times :)
  12. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Hey Travis, yes it was a fun day, pleasure meeting you. I like your avatar :worship2: :worship2:

    Nice to see you here on the forum :mounty:

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