2007 Jaguar XK

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by 02blackout, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    This Jag was already well-maintained but needed a good restoration. Plan was to glaze the car to add depth and smoothness paint then top it with Powerlock sealant to give it the shine.

    Haven't been on DB in forever as I've been busy out of state with school. Have a few write ups to post up from the summer. Enjoy!


    APC 3:1 on wheel, tyres, and wells. CG Maxi Suds was used in the wheel brush bucket.

    SV Wheel Brush

    Uber Spoke Brush from Detailers Domain, this was the first time using it and I loved it, as it withstood a beating better than the RaceGlaze brush did


    Tips got P21S polishing soap

    Various wax build up I had to attend

    SV Detail Brush with APC 10:1 to be easy on the plastic

    Build up was more stubborn around the mirror plastic so used a bug sponge


    ONR Wash


    Dried with fat microfiber and some extra CG QD spray I wanted to get rid of

    CG Clay with 1:16 ONR Clay Lube

    Light contamination

    After wash

    Such a nice stance

    IPA 91% 1:1 to ensure paint is prepared for polishing(glaze in this case)

    CG EZ Creme Glaze on a blue Lake Country pad via the Flex 3401. Spread at speed 3, bumped up to speed 4 with medium pressure then once glaze was broken down bumped up to ~4.7 and really eased up pressure. This brings out the gloss more. I don't like to do this method with abrasive polshes like Menz Power Finish, SIP, or Megs 105. However, it works great with Menz 85rd, as it has little abrasives and is designed to move really fine scratches.


    Poorboys Bold N Bright with some water in it. I do this cause it saves product and gives a super low gloss. So what I do is I apply one coat, wait for it to dry for like 15 min, then put another coat on.

    Took this right after application, looks real glossy because of the water but once dry it looks great. In my opinion too much shine is just an eye sore.

    Now onto my favorite product- Klasse All in One. This is great for removing light light swirls while adding superior protection. I sometimes use it on the paint but I find myself using glaze more than Powerlock. So heres how I use Klasse AIO:


    Metal trim, AIO really brings out the shine



    Heads, fogs, tails



    First time trying Adams In and Out spray. I've heard a lot about it after them reformulating it. It turned out to be amazing, gave plastics a nice, non-greasy, matte shine. Overspray on paint, windows, etc actually is NOT a hassle, wipes off easily. Highly recommend this product

    While working around my car doing my thing I noticed 'more' wax build up. The SV Exterior brush didn't do it so moved to a soft bristled tooth brush. I use it very lightly, just in the cracks, to ensure I don't marr the paint.

    Last IPA wipe down to prepare for final protection

    Protection: Menzerna Power Lock sealant. Applied on a grey Lake Country pad on speed 3. Made sure I made a line in full diameter of the pad to ensure full application is achieved. I used the polisher to spread the sealant only on the larger panels, hand applied in the small areas.

    Let cure for about 15 then removal. Comes off like butter. Easy on , Easy off.

    Exterior done, looking good!!

    I love working on interior but taking pictures is just a huge pain.
    Heres what I used:
    Klasse AIO on woods. 1Z Leather Condition on leather. APC 10:1 everywhere. Stoners window cleaner. 303 Fabric water repellant on carpets. Even vacuumed this bad boy out too ;)





    Thank you for viewing, questions and comments are welcome!


    Here's a teaser for a write up soon to come :angel:

  2. frankiman

    frankiman Birth of a Detailer

    I just don't get why you detail with an ipod when you have a sick garage.. just go and shelf some 300$ and get a sweet 5.1 and enjoy dolby surround sound . It,s also not good to have ipod all day long for your ears.
  3. kakeuter

    kakeuter DB Forum Supporter

    Nice work! Been using the CGEZCG and KAIO a lot lately, solid products.

  4. teak

    teak Birth of a Detailer

    The jaguar looks good. But doesn't KAIO remove the CGEZCG?
    I wear ear plugs to reduce the sound of the buffer or other equipment when detailing. I normally have the radio on with volume set at 1 or 2.
  5. chemgys99

    chemgys99 DB Forum Supporter

    yeah it would remove it but from what it looks like he didnt use it on the paint...good job btw.
  6. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    This isn't my house dude. I have my ipod at medium volume and take them in and out from time to time.

    I agree. Thank you!

    You are correct.

    But I stated that I didn't use it on the paint. Used it on pretty much everything else besides plastics.

  7. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    Nice work Lance! I've always liked KAIO. Great on door jambs, wheels, and pulls alot of crud out of paint and leaves the paint very smooth.
  8. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    Great job lance, so the glaze was used as a polish and then you used a ipA wipe down to remove glaze and prep for powerlock

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