Alright here we go. The car was in awful shape as you can see from some of the pics. I spent 22 hours doing this, and probably most of the time was trial and error on somethings as this was the first time I had attempted anything like this. These are some of the pics during the process. I have yet to get good pics out in the sunlight of the finished product. Hopefully that will come soon. What I used: Paint Correction: Meguiar's Gold Class Shampoo M105 on CCS Yellow M205 on CCS White Meguiar's #7 Glaze on CCS Gray Meguiar's #26 Wax on CCS Blue (Probably used all the wrong combo of pads and chemicals but like I said , trial and error) Wheels: Wolfgang Tire Gel DP Wheel Glaze
Wow that thing is pretty hammered. Don't forget to get the wheel wells cleaned and the next time you may want to roll the car forward and go over the tires again (looks like you missed some spots).
The important thing is it looks much better and that you are willing to learn. Couple more cars and you'll be getting the hang of it. Keep up the good work.
I think your chem/pad combos were perfect match. WIth PC, 105 and 205 are very nice to work with do alot of polishing in little time compared to menzerna which seem to be faster with rotary. This age ford paint had to be nice to polish too. Great job and good confidence with sharing with us.
really nice job. And the most important thing is that you actually did it. I see too many people getting scared of using some machine or polishing in general.