This Red classic was in need of a complete refresh of it's single stage paint. Over the course of two days, we did exactly that. This tired, faded looking red was brought back to life through our careful processes. This immediately recognizable car now looks the way she did back in 1964 for everyone to appreciate. I'm ...glad to have had the opportunity to work on this car for it's knowledgeable and friendly owners! Who are only the second owners of this 46 year old vehicle none-the-less! Process: p21S TAW (had to use it twice because of amount of glaze that was on the car) p21s WC Meguiars 105 - Purple Menzerna 203 - Orange Menzerna PO85 - Green P21S Paint Cleanser Jetseal 109 - Black as we got to job site this is what we had after 2 citrus washes wheels this is after M105 and wool pad this is how we left the car tonight some 50/50 shots after 1st pass Nick doing his half of the car. on middle buldge you can see 50/50 shot 50/50 after final polish some before and after pics front bonnet before after some final reflection shots rear emblem was removed to polish behind it. (removal consisted of heavily masking surrounding areas so no damage to paint would occur. emblem is mounted using just regular small studs into plastic holders. similar to 7th gen accord emblems if somebody removed theirs before (except no double sided tape) using same backing plate went over tight areas with m105 interior before some 50/50 after engine Nick working on valve covers, first with p21s polishing soap and then with p21s finish restorer after final shots 1 2 3 4 6 5 8 9 10 before after
Misha...looks great for the first step. I'm stoked to see the rest. BTW, the hood looks to me to belong to an XK120 or XKE, not an ss. The SS100 was built back in the 40's if I recall and looks more old fashioned than that.
omg thats amazing I want a 1956 jag roadster soooooo bad sigh having one of those would be great too if only they ran better
by ss i meant single stage paint once you see before pics you will be surprised. it was all oxidized, almost no reflection comparing to now. it was repainted in 84 and still have some deep wetsanding scratches on it that we cant get off without wetsanding (which i actually did on one spot which had orange peel and came out about 95%) we just dont have time to do wetsanding right now and owner was surprised as it is after first polishing stage
For me Jags and BRG go hand in glove, with one exception the E-Type Red with beige leather, enter a half decent one in a Concours d’élégance events and it will take BOS (trust me I know
it didnt . i had to leave before we could put wax on it and its gona stay inside for now so no reason for that wax
That one of the most sexy cars ever produced, everything about it hits the right note to the tee. That must have been a wonderful car to work on; ss paint can come right back with a bit of TLC and look stunning. Great job Misha!
thing came out sweet guys! What backing plate and pad is that that is so dang small? Very nice work! Also what was used product wise to clean the spokes on the wheels?