chemical guys new wax - e-zyme.

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by supercharged, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. Dom

    Dom Two Bucket System Washer

    I'm hardly bashing it!

    I'm asking questions that any consumer has a right to know. I have previously seen CG as being quite open and authentic with consumers regarding its marketing, but this product has an extremely high price with nothing (seemingly) tangible to justify it from a technical point of view (and remember I know a little about wax manufacture, ingredients, etc).

    We are more than happy for any person or company to query or question our products if the comment is fair. I certainly think my comments have been.

    All I'm asking for is more info. If these enzymes are so expensive and such a big deal, let's have more info on them. Can't really say fairer than that.
  2. car

    car Virgin Detailer

    Whether its a nautural ,unatural wax or even if the jar doesnt look good ,WHO CARES as long as it delivers the finish and durability that we all crave
    I believe manufacturers should concentrate on promoting their own brand and not question other manufacturers products in public.

    From speaking with CG this new wax has been in the pipeline for some 10 months ,no one remebers who was the first team to win the Superbowl but everyone remembers who done it last :thumb:
  3. buja

    buja Jedi Nuba

    i dont care about yadda yadda.

    just bring on the reviews
  4. Dom

    Dom Two Bucket System Washer

    Well I believe an open forum should mean pertinent and fair questions can be asked by anyone.

    People are free to ask valid questions about our products and I am asking a valid question about someone else's. I'm a Chemical Guys consumer myself; I had some 50/50 before Dodo Juice was born.

    I don't get off on rubbishing competitors. I get off on asking questions that my knowledge allows me to ask, hopefully to the benefit of all.

    I wish people would take comments with the good nature they are intended rather than assuming some kind of trolling is taking place, or that there is a massive hidden agenda.

    How the product peforms is, as has been stated, the most important factor. We look forward to a bit of 'Superbowl' competition this season as only consumers will benefit :)
  5. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Dom is right on all aspects. He's asking all the right questions.He's pointing to all the hard facts and he is on our side.Can't ask for more than that.:thumb:
  6. buja

    buja Jedi Nuba

    yup I agree too.
    it is good to have healthy discussions and questions.

    im sure before this, most ppl would think wax is mostly carnauba and other sort of waxes plus solvents, emulsifiers.
    i never knew enzymes were used .

    good learning for everyone
  7. car

    car Virgin Detailer

    Im not knocking him ,Pepsi never publicaly question Coke on their ingredients on any public forums lol
  8. CptMidway

    CptMidway Virgin Detailer

    That's fine, but the way you came off criticizing in your post seemed a little more than being curious.

    Remember, it's different ball game when you are another business and not a consumer doing the questioning.

    If you truly are interested, contact them. I find in intriguing how people will question so quickly yet never read more than is offered.

  9. HPIA4v2

    HPIA4v2 Birth of a Detailer

    Let's talk about this wax thing.

    It reminds me of speaker cable/interconnects, the engineers insist on talking L-C-R (inductance resistance and capacitance the lowest the better) while audiophile-purist insist on cable are all difference providing, depth, soundstage, separation, instrument clarity etc.

    They are both right and wrong, why???
    Cause they have not established the connection between the two units, L-C-R and sound-stage etc. The only thing as a S/W engineer I can conlude is that lowest L-C-R will give you louder sound period.

    This is like when James Maxwell combine the theory of Electricity and Magetic into convertible units of measurement (such a genius that we can convert one energy to the other readily, hey that's how my Honda Generator woks right:thumb:).

    Have anybody do that with wax??? Is it true that higher concetration of white Brazillian carnauba gives that wet/deep and clarity paint?
    I haven't seen the connection so I think we can all says "IMHO" in bold on this subject.:worship2:
  10. advs1

    advs1 DB Forum Supporter

    whoo hoo i'll have my test sample wednesday.
  11. Dom

    Dom Two Bucket System Washer

    Sure, point taken. I should realise people will assume an agenda even if there isn't one... I'm probably being a bit naive. :duh:

    I didn't mean it as criticsm. I was just curious as to the enzyme issue. It's been used in the past for marketing purposes by another manufacturer so I was interested about the new angle (especially as it would make it substantially different from Supernatural).

    You are right I should send them an email myself, but maybe not from the dodo account ;) I hope people don't think that as being like subterfuge. R222 gave a great answer to someone who asked about carnauba content in their 100% wax. A great, honest reply. I was very impressed. They basically said, sure, we use 100% as a marketing tag, but the content is just wax content etc. and then explained the calculation. It was nice to see.
  12. zspectrum

    zspectrum Jedi Nuba

    Ill let you all know how it is. Ill have my tub today.
  13. buja

    buja Jedi Nuba

    thanks !
    looking forward to it ! :)
  14. zspectrum

    zspectrum Jedi Nuba

    Here she is. its in a different jar than the actual one being shipped now, but its the real deal. it smells amazing, It will be going on my 08 sti tonight for sure.
  15. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    You guys are killing me. Post a review already, PLZ!
  16. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Mine is on its way tomorrow!
  17. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    How much are you guys paying for this wax? Or are these test samples?
  18. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Curious as well.
  19. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter


    Heres mine, 2 brand new applicators and I LOVE the towel!

    The wax is soft, and smells like a creamsicle!

    Going to put it on the M5 this weekend.... I hope....
  20. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Phil, what kind of applicators are those? And tell us more about the towel!!!

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