The Smoke Lounge - For Cigar Lovers

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Deep Gloss Auto Salon, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    I am getting some cigars in tomorrow or saturday :D
  2. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    hawken in made in menphis,tn.

    and his own chew, the stuff is strong enough out of a tine, i couldnt even imagine straight leaf. I think i would be on the ground spinning for hours
  3. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    I enjoy all of the smokes you have listed above with the exception of theMAXX... haven't tried that one...

    The Italia and the Brazia are Deee-Licious...

    What's going on with your humi?
  4. RussECU

    RussECU DB Forum Supporter

    Can't keep the humidity up. Maybe my hydrometer is broken. I tried the salt test and it didn't seem to move any. But they feel nothing like when I get one from the store. I may just go and get a new hydrometer today. I have the crystals that I use with distilled water or the water/something mixture (to reduce mold or mildew). Its about a 20 cigar humi. Any suggestions?
  5. RussECU

    RussECU DB Forum Supporter

    I will look it up when I get home to make sure I am looking for the right stuff. I will check tomorrow and this weekend to see if its around here.

    My grandfather has been chewing since the age of 8 he is 81 now. I think its what keeps him going.
  6. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    Thanks you so much, i appricate it very much
  7. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Well if the hygrometer didn't move when you did the salt test that would indicate an issue.. what reading was it giving you?

    When you did the test did you do it in your humi or did you do it in a sealed airtight canister? Reason I ask is because if you did it in your humi, maybe the seals of your humi are bad. A way to test that is to throw a flashlight inside it and go into a dark closet. If light comes out - your seals are shot (obviously this will not work if you humi has a glass top)

    After dealing with my 1st analog hygrometer I just went for a digital one that tell me temp and humidity... it was a great purchase
  8. RussECU

    RussECU DB Forum Supporter

    I think I will get a digital and see what happens. Thanks
  9. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    most tabocinists will calibrate the hyrdomiter after you buy it, it may take a few days bt they can make sure everything is working and in order. I would def suggest getting this done.
  10. RussECU

    RussECU DB Forum Supporter

    Just to be sure all I could find online was snuff. I will check tomorrow when I get gas. I believe I have seen it before.
  11. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Okey guys, I got a big box with cigars today :D Thanks for the help Jason! Now I need some tips on a new humidor!! What to buy and were to buy. Also all the extra I need!!

  12. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    nice order thre Ketil. Athough im not a CAO fan myself i can appricate the level of cigar. Im sure you will enjoy them.

    ohh and did your CAO sampler come with a dvd on how they make the cigars? when i got mine it did. the video was really cool. Def worth watching

    Ohh and the rYj's in tubes are great great sticks. I really like ryj. Good stick or a god price, there a great way to get into the cuban world.
  13. haper

    haper Birth of a Detailer

    so you have nothing now?

    first, get a humidor fast, you don't want the cigars to start drying out. they say to keep it in a cool dry place so mine's in one of my dresser drawers. i always had trouble maintaining the proper humidity inside the humidor until i bought one of those thermo packs (Boveda 69% Humidity Pack at Famous Smoke Shop) and threw it in there. they last abt 6 mths and keep the humidity at the proper level.

    second, get a cutter - don't need anything really special.

    third, you'll need wooden matches and a cigar lighter. traditionalists will say you should always use wooden matches to light a cigar, as the butane from a lighter can effect the taste and smell of cigars. with that said lighting a cigar outside when its windy is pretty difficult w/ wooden matches. that's were a good cigar lighter comes in handy. btw: a cigar lighter is different then a normal 'bic lighter', it puts out a flame that reminds me of a blow torch that is never effected by the wind.
  14. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Just put down a Ramon Allones Petit Corona last night, nom nom.
  15. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Thank you for the tips.

    I have a humidor, and the cigars are allready in their new home!! Hehe. I also got a cutter, or three. lol.

    I need to buy a cigar lighter, thanks! So, any special humidors that are great?
  16. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    one more question, should I take all the cigars out of their plastic covering before putting them in the humidor? And the Romeo and juliet in the tubs?
  17. RussECU

    RussECU DB Forum Supporter

    I think this is personal preference. I like to take mine out of the plastic as I feel it is easier for the cigars to get to the proper humidity of the humidor. Nice order there!
  18. haper

    haper Birth of a Detailer

    there isn't a hard rule as everyone has there own opinion on this subject, so you can do whatever makes you comfortable. i simply copy what my local cigar store does, so if the cigar was delivered to them in tubes or wrappers they keep on / in and so do i.

    i'm not a humidor aficionado, i got mine from a buddy who had an extra and its been fine so far. as long as it keeps the humidity at the correct level what else do i need from a humidor?
  19. sercastik

    sercastik Virgin Detailer

    I had an Acid extra Ordinary Larry the other night it was fantastic! try it!
  20. CptMidway

    CptMidway Virgin Detailer

    LOL Jeremy, how did I know you were going to post up in this thread?

    FWIW, I took sercastik to a cigar shop and he picked the ACID EOL...well based on the name. It was a pleasant smelling cigar, but as you know, not your traditional cigar.
    I'm pretty sure he enjoyed it, because he kept telling me he did... haha

    I had a CAO American Monument (I believe) It was pretty good, but I prefer their Italia Piazza over it. I still need to try their Brazilia line.

    Any one tried the CAO Brazilia series?

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