MacBook Pro

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Nica, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well I finally made time to to DB Boss' house and pick up my MacBook Pro, so I phone DB Boss and ask if I can pick up the computer, he sais sure it's been here for a wile now. Just before I head over to his house I get a call from DB Boss telling me I wont be able to get my MacBook Pro becuase he has to send it back due to some recalls, so I started looking for some dirt and came accross this:

    MacNN | Apple quietly fixes MacBook Pro issues » Blog Archive » 17-inch MacBook Pro Battery Expansion (literally)

    Well I was quite shocked to read that the MacBook Pro is having so many issues to be honest, but not shocked enough to make me think twice about purchasing. I should be receiving my MacBook Pro on Monday or Tuesday next week..if anything I'm definetly going to purhcase the extended waranty oh just in case hahahahaha.

    Any who, those that have a Mac any Mac have you had any issues with it?

    Oh since this will be my frist Mac ever, I've started looking for some tips and tricks and found this one:

    MacBook Air and MacBook Pro (Early 2008): Useful keyboard and trackpad tips and shortcuts

    Perhaps a bit tedious for some of you but for me it was quite usefull :shrug:

    Well any feed back would be greatly appreciated :peace:

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Let me know how you like the MAC! welcome to the club!

    Personally I think its overhyped.
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Yea, well it's about time to be honest. My poor Sony laptop just can't keep up with the videos I'm doing and the loads of photos I'm doing so I figuired I'd step up to a Mac.

    I've been reading lots and lots of about the Mac compared to other high end PC laptops and I'm a bit surprised to see that the Mac barely has an edge over the regular (high end) laptops, I was expecing the Mac to blow everything out of the water to be hoenst but there is one thing that keeps getting mentioned over and over and that's it's speed to do video editing and image editing and that's exactly what I want so I figuired I'll just proceed with the purchase, wont know till I try it for my self :shrug:

    I've already requested a few upgrades for it lol so it should be even faster then all the test reviews I've read :thumb:

    I'll keep you posted on how it performs, I'm quite curious my self to see how I'll be able to adapt to the Mac world :paranoia:
  4. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    It sounds like you might need a mobile workstation!
  5. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Nica, That first article is over 2 years old. Certainly a non issue now.
  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Yup, I'm getting the laptop version :thumb: No more deskops for me, can't stand them :shakehead:

    Yea, that's why I'm not overly concerned about the recall but the Mac that DB Boss had for me is only 4 months old and it just sat there waiting for me to go and pick it up and he had to send it back as well...something about a chip issue? I haven't been able to find any recalls on chip issues? I'll see if I can track down DB Boss to get the low down on the recall as I honestly didn't have a clue about the recalls :confused:
  7. adriankeith

    adriankeith Birth of a Detailer

    The Macbook Pro is an amazing laptop and you can run a program called Parallels to run Windows. I've used it for music editing, a little bit of video editing and a good amount of photo editing. It's a great laptop for visual presentations and you can make some really top notch slideshows/photo presentations with it. The designs are very intuitive and using a Mac is almost too simple. I came from a heavy PC background, always dismissing the Mac, but when my brother brought me home a G5 and the Macbook pro and within about a week I was amazed at how easy everything was.
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Oooh cool feed back adriankeith and yes DB Boss told me about the Parallel program but I'm not really interested on the program for now as I want to experiance the full Mac attach lol.

    I've been doing a significant amount of reading and I'm surprised that majority say that Macs are quite easy to use and the transition is quite easy and painless.

    I'm looking forward on getting my hands on he the Mac attach :cheerl:

    Oh I haven't even seen it but I've seen the case/box they come in and it looks good :applause2:

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Honestly I feel that Macs are overhyped after my recent purchase, and there are some things that are better on the PC. Its def not a hands down win for the mac.

    Overall I am glad I bought one, but its waaay overhyped.
  10. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Yea, I figured as much. I mean I'm sure in certain things the Mac is domenant but I figuired good marketing comes at a price...but I'm quite curious about it. So I figuired I wont know till I try it for my self :confused:
  11. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    I love my mabook pro laptop but for what I use it for I don't think it was worth 2300 though. Recently my fan has been going crazy the every time I use the computer and the back heats up to like a 100 degrees. As I type its the first time in two weeks that the fan has not kicked on and the computer is runnning much faster actually. If it happens again I am going to have it looked at as I don't think its normal and the heat can't be good. Other than that I think its a great machine and I am finally getting used to the OS.
  12. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I have had my Macbook Pro for just over a year now and have not had any problems whatsoever. It is incredibly easy to use. I have been using Macs for about ten years and the biggest bonus is that you don't have a problem with viruses. I have never had a Mac crash for any reason.
  13. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    I love my Macbook Pro.

    I refuse to go back to Vista haha. I just like the sheer speed of the thing. I too run parallels for windows XP with Leopard and another Monitor it is very nice. The problem is your battery life goes down to 1 hour. I have the older macbook pro without the multi touch,and my hard drive is pretty much full, but the computer still runs pretty fast. I paid 2400 for mine for the 2.4 and then i got ram later, but I still like my mac and it has almost been a year. Oh ya the slim profile of it is really nice

    Personally I like my mac for video and photos, but for databases and more business type applications PC is still on top.
  14. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Wicked feed back, thank you guys for the feed if DB Boss can just get me the MacBook already :waiting: :waiting:

    I seriously can't wait to get my hands on this bad boy :woo:
  15. ggk

    ggk Jedi Nuba

    that is the cool thing about new macs. if you would rather use windows for something you can boot up parallels or use boot camp and use windows. That or you can just use mac.

    and yes mac is over hyped, but it is that way cause it is super user friendly and to say simple.
  16. raddogz

    raddogz Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I have had an eight year old iBook still running along albeit slowly. A plain jane macbook (the newer one - in black no less) and it runs like a dream.

    The software makes all the difference so it's not just the hardware in my opinion.
  17. mb43

    mb43 Obsessive Detailer

    I have one of these and it's great. It has enough power to do anything I want it to but it's portable and is easy to just open up and start using it.

    I installed Windows on mine too just in case I want to do use a program that isn't compatible with Mac OS X and it works just it would on a Windows computer (I don't use it very often because OS X is great).
  18. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    The more I read about them, the more I want one! They look better than any other laptop out there, and frankly, you just look wicked carrying one around...

    However, I still want to have a robust desktop in my office couples to a big arse screen!

    Currently shopping for a Dell GX755...
  19. mb43

    mb43 Obsessive Detailer

    You should consider buying a laptop up to a screen and keyboard/mouse. It can save you a lot of money.

    After I bought my Macbook Pro I sold my desktop because I preferred hooking up the MBP instead of using the desktop. If you get a wireless keyboard and mouse it only takes 5 seconds to hook up, too.
  20. jodib425

    jodib425 Virgin Detailer

    MY biggest gripe with Apple is that even though they've go OS/X running on Intel X64 CPU's they won't allow us "Intel" people to install their software.

    Andy bought me a Quad-Core Intel with 6GB Ram, 22" LCD and a terrabyte of storage

    I can run every OS in the book on this thing thanks to VMWare (except for a legitimate copy of OS/X)

    My 2.8GHz Dual-Core Toshiba is more than enough processing power when I'm on the road though

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