dealership rant- rated R

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Calgarydetail, May 21, 2008.

  1. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    On saturday I went with my aunt and brothers to look at cars for y dad. The golf was on so he sent us to do the test drives and negotiation. After 5 or 6 hours of shopping and haggeling we bought him a 08 mercedes s550. This thing is a wicked car... i love it.

    i called thismorning to give them the plate number from the old car so they could transfer it over. 10am and i was told everything is good. everything is fine. We had an appointment at 1p,m to pat and do the paper work.

    We get a call at noon, my mom goes well we will be there at 1. the women on the phone says no two (strike one) my mo says no one. I have it written down. the women from the dealership goes well it dosent matter, they are not done the 3m we can pick it up later tonight. Which dosent work for us (strike 2). my mom goes I am free ar 10. I can bring the check and leave, my son can do the rest. How about 10:30? (strike three)i cannot do 10. Im going are you fucking kiding me. we spend 140k on a car, have a date and time and its not ready. So i say very loudly so the perso on the other end can here. we will be there at 10 or we are going to the other dealership to pick up the car... shes starts tryingt o convinve my mom to go at 1030. Im just livid at this point, so the conversation ends and im fumming.

    I had to rearange my schedule to make this work, my time is vaulable.Those asshole fucked up and im paying for it?

    These kind of cars are purchased by people who do not have time to come and go as they pelase, my dad is away so im doing this, he comes home saturday to 4 meetings. This dealership feels he should re-arange his life to fit them?

    What ever happened to customer service? ok fine you made a mistake, but THEY need to make it right, not be rude about it.

    Im going down to have alittle chat with the service manager to let him know i expect compinsation. I know im not going to get it but he has to know im not happy.

    ARG i hate dealerships...........
  2. Joyriide1113

    Joyriide1113 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Totally, this morning, I told my cleaning lady, I wanted strawberry jam on my toast. The B*tch brings me grape. I'm like WTF. I throw the jam in her face and march out. I get to my car, and the butler totally forgot to adjust my seat back to normal. The dude is like an inch shorter than me so I had to "squeeze" tightly into the car and then adjust the seat whcih totally took up 1/250th of the time it normally takes. Ugh... Don't even get me started with the gardener.

    .....J/K.. I really am, I couldn't help it. Hope it all works out.
  3. Usjdmtuner

    Usjdmtuner Wax on..Wax off

    that was a joke right? i hope so...
  4. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Not quite sure what the issue is, I guess I'm not following. You are upset because they had to change the time where you'd go in and sign the papers?
  5. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Well it's nice to know some things never change. CG, I'm just as confused reading this post as I have been with some of yours at Autopia and DC. First I thought the car was for your uncle as your Aunt was with you. No wait, it's for your Dad and your Mom is talking to the dealer. Ok, I think I have it straightened out now. You can't know the score without knowing the players! I would be majorly ticked off if they screwed me around like that too, so I do feel for you.

    Joy, funnily enough this is pretty much how I envisioned your life to be. You mean it's not? Wow...

    Of course I'm J/K to all of the above. :whistle:
  6. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    what im pissed about is that fact that i set up a time to buy a car and they dont deliver. all through i was told how good the service is

    i clear up and afternoon to purcahse a car. i dont have time for them to jerk me around.

    I also go in today to talk to the manager to figure out what happened. i was told to go back at 2. fine hes at lunch. I show up at 2 and im told he cannot see me today
    what ever happened to keeping appointments? is it really that ahrd to set a date and time.? you pay for a service and should get it....

    and everyone can make jokes and laugh, but its not about the car, its about the utter lack of customer service and customer care. You pay good money for something and expect to get it

    am i wrong in expecting what is paid for? am i missing something?
  7. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    You have every right to be pissed off. If they can't make appointments then they'd better have a good excuse and make it up to you. Your family should have told them, "You know what, you're treating us like crap so you can just keep the car". There are plenty of other places that would love to sell you an automobile. I've walked out of a couple of dealers where they were not pleasant. I haven't gone back and made sure to tell friends about them too. That's the worst sort of advertising a business can get. With their attitude I don't see them staying in business much longer. I hope you and your Dad cut them a new one.
  8. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I think you might have been expecting too much and thus were disappointed. With car dealers, I always set my expectations low. It doesn't matter what brand the dealership is. I have gotten some of the lousiest customer service at the BMW dealership and some fine customer service from a silly small town Dodge dealership.

    It's a crap shoot. Buying from Mercedes, just because the cars are more expensive, doesn't mean they'll treat you any better.

    It's a doozie that you bought a nice car and didn't get the treatment you deserved, but it doesn't surprise me.

    They might not have given you the respect you expected because you were a "kid" picking up "daddy's" new car. Trust me, I've been there with my mother's Mercedes when the roof wasn't closing properly. Which is messed up, no doubt, but I can see the pricks hating on you because of it. I bet they wouldn't treat your dad that way.
  9. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    thanks.... i know i would be just as mad if I had purchased $1000 used car that was rusted. Its about the service not the car. I was talking to my dad and we would go to another dealership but the wait for the car is 4-5 months.. and lest face it waiting sucks.

    I did talk to the manager on the phone and let him know what had happened. he called me back after investigating anfnot a single person at the dealership had a good explination of what was going on. He seemed as angry as i was... im sure it was just a show but still.

    the worst part of it is that they are one of the bigest dealerships in the city, there is no real compition for them here.Everyone will know, but unforuntly this car is a small blib.

    I guees I was expecting to much, in the past couple years I have help family memebers pick up cars, some lucery, most not. Every other time the service has been great, I have always been happy with how things worked. I guees it was wrong of me to think that this dealership would provide the same leberl of service.

    As for the kid thing, to be honest i went to bmw and lexus and was treated like crap there. The guy at the bmw dealership says so you looking at used or pre-owned. to which i responded nope a new 750i.... he looked shcoked.

    When i went to mercedes i was honest and said its for my dad, you can call him hes at home. The guy was vry nice and upfront, i did the haggaleing and worked out the numbers. at no point did i feel i was a second class citizen untill I had commited to buy the car. guees i wont be buying another car from them, i will go somewhere else
  10. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Some high end dealers will drop the car off and bring the paperwork to you. You just have to ask, I dont know if your particular dealer offers it?

    Im not a mercedes guy but the S550 is simply amazing, in and out, technology and all.

    I normally would not buy a Benz, but I would def buy an S550.

  11. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    when i talked to the manager he offered to send a car to pick me up but it dosent work for my mom, so we have an appointment tommorow. \

    and the car is awsome, some of thefeatures it has are amazing.

    the adaptive cruise control is just awsome. you can turn it on while driving downtown, get into rushhour trafic and it will speed youup and slow you down to match the trafic. all you have to do is steer. combine that will the massaging seats and your in heaven.

    i was really impressed with all the toys the car had....... I could go on for hours........

    a cool note abou the car is that my dad is 52, worked hard huis whole life and made it to the top (there where tons of trade offs but in the end it worked out).. this is hisfirst new car. everyother car he has purcahsed has been used, the last 3 were park avenues and an olds 98... this is finnaly the car he was worked his whole life for.... and to top it off its his first new car....
  12. Joyriide1113

    Joyriide1113 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Did you not scroll down a bit to read? Relax dude, I mentioned it was a joke.

    BTW, to the original poster,

    everytime me or my family has bought a vehicle and we requested to have it delivered, they always brought it to my parents office or my home. They normally come with two sales man and all the paper work. One drives the new car, the other brings a car to drive back.
  13. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Indeed more toys tha any other car I've ever sat in! That S63 that I detailed was out of this world, what a car.
  14. haper

    haper Birth of a Detailer

    your post was a tricky to read and i did get jealous when i noticed the type of car (that car costs twice as much as my first house did).

    but the point is, the dealer is making a HUGE profit on that car and, as such, you are well within your right to expect impeccable service.
  15. distrbd

    distrbd New Member

    Mike I hear you laud and clear bro,your point is they acted like you owe them something for selling you that car therefore you must change your schedule to suit them when it should be the other way around .
    But Mike don't jump to any conclusions yet ,wait and see how they treat you when you take the car for annual service,if it's still crappy ,then that's when you can hurt them the most by switching to another dealer .
  16. Nica

    Nica Banned

    :thinking: yea all dealerships are the same, I had quite an experiance with the exact same dealership Mike...:shakehead: looks like things haven't changed there.

    I had the same thing happen to me when I picked up my Lexus :shakehead: :shakehead:...well it's shame dealerships act this way/treat customers this way but such is life :shrug:

    I just can't wait to see the vehicle :cheerl: :cheerl: suck it up buter cup and get the car already :rant:

    hahahaha just teasing...kinda :whistle:

    Oh by the way such a potty mouth you got there, I'm getting the soap :tlaw:
  17. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    Is this lone star?
  18. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    yeah, i feel like since ihave commited to the car i no longer matter, since my dad is out of town he dosent reallt care and hes the one who can pull the plug, but i did let the genermal manager know that this better improve or i will be in for a wrod after every oil change (which is only one a year)
    i know i have a potty mouth, you know me you should know i swear like a sailor.
    and i thought you bough the lexus from the lexus dealership? did you pick it up from lonestar?
    it sure was....... i know you have alot of customers who own merc or aer thinking of it, im sure they would appriate knowing theycannot deliver a carontime
  19. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    Surprisingly or not so surprisingly more and more people are getting their lux. cars from Kulu. At one time the guy was selling more 911s than the porsche dealership. Worth checking out.
  20. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    140k? I thought that's the price for S600? S550 starts at 90k?
    Alothough, I forgot, Canadian prices might be different...:deadhorse:

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