wax on trim, what now? and how to avoid it by default/change method

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by TexasAutoRevival, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. TexasAutoRevival

    TexasAutoRevival New Member

    nuba on trim, FML why oh god why me?

    how can i just avoid this all together?
    are synthetic sealants trim safe?
  2. wely324

    wely324 New Member

    All purpose cleaner and toothbrush might work removing it, if not try a pencil eraser.

    Best way to avoid this from happening is apply a trim dressing before waxing so the wax residue will just wipe away, or you can tape off the trim when waxing.

    Sealants are trim safe and many can be used to protect and provide some shine to trim.
  3. Anthony Orosco

    Anthony Orosco New Member

    Soft brush and peanut butter. Or just get a bottle of peanut oil.

    I prefer to tape off all trim or remove it if possible. Yes you can dress the trim prior to polishing but this just adds time to my process as I will dress the trim again later on in the detail.


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