Need to unload some products that are collecting dust on my shelves. All shipping will be $6 - $12, depending on how much is ordered. M105 - SOLD 32 oz. bottle is 100% full and there's 60% in the 16 oz. self-cleaning dispensing bottle. Asking $20. M205 - SOLD 32 oz. bottle is more than 50% full and the 16 oz. self cleaning dispensing bottle is empty, but will be included. Asking $10. M101 I only used this to spot compound once or twice. 95% full between both bottles. Asking $30. Menzerna Super Finish SF 4000 - 16 oz Never used. 100% full. Asking $15. Menzerna Power Finish PF 2500 - 16 oz 2 bottles. Never used. 100% full. Asking $25. Griot's Garage Fast Correcting Cream & Finishing Sealant Tested FCC on a hood, 95% full. Used FS on one car, 85% full. Asking $25 total for both. Sonax Polymer Net Shield Used once on a BMW roadster. 90% full. Asking $15. Sonax EX 04-06 50% full between both bottles. Asking $30. ($50 total for CutMax and EX 04-06) Sonax CutMax 50% full between both bottles. Asking $30. ($50 total for CutMax and EX 04-06) Rupes Keramik Fine Gloss 250 ml bottle. 100% full between both bottles (one bottle is new, the other has a little left over). Asking $5. If you buy some other stuff, I'll throw it in for free if you'd like.
PM'ed both of you guys back. Thanks fellas! M101, M105, M205, Menzerna, Griot's & Rupes pending sale.