When Do You Use a Glaze?

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by AJF, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. junebug

    junebug Jedi Nuba

    Yeah, I use to think glazes were best left on Krispie Kreme, but, I changed my mind. I have too many customers that want that semi-annual detail and use the tunnel of swirls every few weeks. How long before the clear coat is too thin, plus, it grinds my gears to polish out a vehicle only for the owner to screw it up again and again. But, hey man - can't you just show them the damage and explain it to them - ever teach a pig to read? thought so,

    So, I loaded up on several popular glazes and happily glaze away. I only wish somebody would make a glaze - sealant combo where the glaze would fill like crazy and the sealer would protect for months. It would be like a epoxy - part A then part B. That would be the sh!t.
  2. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    CG Blacklight is a glaze/sealant combo. Not sure how long it lasts on a daily driver though.
  3. inDetail

    inDetail New Member

    I prefer not to use them. Glazes have a place. When paint may be to thin to polish you would want to use a glaze. When paint does not need to be polished and damage is so very minimal where removing clear coat cannot be justified at that point. I don't want to remove paint if the fine damage can be dealt with using a glaze. You can take paint off but you can't put it back. There are circumstances when a client does not want to pay for paint correction then using a product like Prima Amigo can be used. It's my preference for a glaze and does a great job and it does not have LSP bonding issues. I can also use an AIO in this situation but on darker harder paints they may not cut enough to remove fine scratches. I have really great success with AIO's on softer paint systems.
    When I have to mask out to cut paint it adds more money to the bill it may be out of their budget. With Amigo I can work around anything I would tape out when I polish by hand let it haze over but do not buff it off. Then I can work the glaze via machine using the dried glaze as my tape out so to speak. I use the same practice when I apply sealants.
  4. Woob

    Woob Jedi Nuba

    When I need the bling bling!

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