Auto Finesse Mercury

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by adz, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. adz

    adz Virgin Detailer

    Auto Finesse Mercury put to the test.
    I got the chance to really put this stuff to the test the metal polish contains Light Abrasive polish with a cleaning agent added to clean and polish, from oxidised alloy trim carbon deposits on exhaust trim and alloy wheels.

  2. JSF721

    JSF721 Jedi Nuba

    Did you do that by hand

    Nice end result.
  3. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    Damn that did the job! How old is your exhaust system?

    Sent from my mobile device
  4. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    WOW great results!!!!
  5. kaiten408

    kaiten408 Jedi Nuba

    Quite a turn around there. I usually use some Wadding polish, but that is a night and day difference. Was this done by hand?
  6. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing transformation and that could not have been done by hand ?
  7. adz

    adz Virgin Detailer

    Thanks Guys, Exhaust is about 7 years old full stainless steal

    All done by hand no machine in anyway, a combo of wire wool 00 and microfibre towels to remove, It did take a few hits to achive this but results I was very happy with

    they start to get stained abit by popping a flame

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