This client requested a service to renew a new to him Corvette. I recommended we go with a quick one step and full interior to stay within budget and obtain maximum rejuvenation to his vehicle. Starting with the wheels: Rinseless Wash: Decontamination: Paint Correction/Polishing: Paint got one pass with M105 and a compound pad Lower portion of this photograph was corrected Before: After: Before(mind the finger): After: Before: After: Interior Before: This is what I managed to pull from the touched surfaces (steering wheels, gear stick etc.) Interior After: Left side exhausts polished Exterior after:
Looks good for a one stepper with M105. Clear must of been on the hard side eh. What product you used to clean the interior with Hamza? Limny
Looks fantastic. I think I'll get me some M105 next. Does it have much more cutting power than Meg UC?
I hate those light colored can they be hard to clean and keep clean; that's why all my cars have dark interiors Good job!
Thanks guys, I'm not sure Flo but I know UC is more userfriendly. Honestly I think you'll be okay for UC for now.