Meguiars No. 7 has been around for over 40 years that I personally know of. It will work and used to be the only thing people brought for their cars entered in Car Shows. Another newer Glaze/Cleaner, etc., is Chemical Guy's E-Z Creme with Acrylic Shine II Glaze. Good luck with your research ! Dan F
Appreciate all the feedback. After reading through the responses and gathering up some further information I don't think it is a glaze I'm looking for. Since the paint and clear coat is in very good condition, I think Philips suggestion of a Polish or Finishing Polish is what I may be looking for. I don't think I will get the results by hand that I would with a machine. I just want to see if I can get more shine with a small section of the car by using a Finishing Polish by hand topped off with a coat of wax. I generally get my car detailed by Dan at DnD Auto Detailing in Virginia once or twice a year and he does a great job. I am just looking to see if I can kick up the shine a notch myself.