Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder 4-day restoration/correction - Immaculate Reflections

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by GoFast908Z, May 6, 2013.

  1. GoFast908Z

    GoFast908Z DB Pro Supporter

    Finished this Gallardo this week, after it had been victimized by another local detailer who didn't know how to handle things. This car had a bit of everything...swirls, holograms, RIDS, deep scratches, marring on clear film, and a few strike-throughs on edges. A lot of care was exercised and a lot of taping as well to ensure safety on this correction. Ryan was out to help me again with this car and we pulled some late nights on the car over the course of 4 days.

    After washing and claying, pics were taken of its condition that the previous "detailer" had left it in...



    "Hack" detailer had burned through the clear here. I found several other spots where damage like this had been done.


    RIDS, swirls, holograms, scratches, had pretty much everything.












    Bad swirls on the clear film





    A hair under the clear film......really? I've seen some odd things, but this was a first.


    Heavy swirls on the clear film....


    Lower portion compounded, upper portion untouched. Final polishing would restore clarity to the film.


    Medium polishing on the driver's door, which had some of the softest paint I've ever worked on...making things a little frustrating. In the end it came out great though.


    Looking better. Final polishing still to be done.


    After a couple passes of compounding the film was looking better. Took a little more time to remove what still remained.


    Driver's side rocker panel


    Looking better



    Passenger side rocker





    Ryan doing some medium polishing on the clear film


    Getting ready to work on the back end, but taking readings with the DeFelsko 200 first to make sure there is enough material to safely work with...




    Side by side on the slats after compounding







    At first I thought these were streaks from drying, but compounding was the only thing that would take them off. Again, this was acceptable work to the previous detailer......not good enough.


    Making progress, but still many hours to go....


    More issues...






    Making progress on rear quarter


    But still plenty of other spots needing work....




    After compounding



    Engine cover lifted to correct all the way into the corner by the intake, an area that is recessed and isolated by the quarter panel.


    New lift sure makes this part easier!






    ADV.1 wheels dismounted, cleaned, waxed and then torqued to spec.







    Rear wheels looking slick






    Calipers also cleaned and waxed


    Bumper had its share of issues. A good amount of 3M Fine Line tape used to work around the edges, as there were compromised sections nearby, courtesy of the last shop....




    After compounding, looking better, and a little TRON-ish...

    All grills/trim front and rear were removed, hand cleaned, dressed and reinstalled for a clean, uniform look.



    Plenty of issues behind the tires too...


    Lift utilized to help get the underside of the rockers looking better. They were totally overlooked by the previous detailer.



    All painted underbody areas cleaned, clayed, polished, and waxed.


    Ryan helping out in the early a.m. wiping off the last of the 85RD


    After 4 days, here are the finished pics out in the sun.


















    Interior got a nice cleanup as well



















    Thanks for looking!
  2. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    Thats a good way! Me likey!!
  3. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Wow that Lambo was hacked! Awesome job! Reflection shots are sick! What compound and polishes did you use?
  4. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Wow. the green calipers make that car really stand out. Great work...................... I wish I had a lift
  5. Tweaked

    Tweaked Two Bucket System Washer

    Awesome job on the Lambo!

    You and me both...
  6. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Jeff the car looks great as it was destroyed, the thing I want to comment on is the placement of the car on the lift as it had to much droop in the rear and had you done a jounce test there would have been three or more jounces showing the center of gravity was biased on the rear and the car might have shifted on you guys. Not nit-picking just want to save you loss of limb or worse and dollars.
  7. ampbmw

    ampbmw DB Forum Supporter

  8. InsanePaint

    InsanePaint Pro Detailer

    Absolutely STUNNING. Holy hell you guys did WORK.
  9. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    Great save car looks great :)
  10. GoFast908Z

    GoFast908Z DB Pro Supporter

    My buddy Drew says that all the time, I got ya ;) Thanks

    Thank you! A little bit of everything on this one....M101, M100, D300, FG400, SIP, 203, 85RD and a few others.

    Thanks! I was not a fan of the green at first, but it grew on me quick. The lift definitely comes in handy.


    Thanks for the compliment and for the advice Bob.

    Thank you

    Thanks Chase! Some LATE nights, and an all-nighter before pickup, but it was worth the final result.

    Thanks Pureshine!
  11. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Nice save! One of the best this year so far. Which Bendpak is that? I'm looking at the MD 6XP.
  12. sullysdetailing

    sullysdetailing DB Pro Supporter

    Looks great
  13. chost10

    chost10 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    My deepest respect !!! What a deferance !:thumb: Uni black is a difficult color to work on , but once corrected it's gonna be a beauty. Keep on the good work.
  14. RaskyR1

    RaskyR1 Jedi Nuba

    Great work Jeff! That thing was hammered!
  15. GoFast908Z

    GoFast908Z DB Pro Supporter

    Sorry for the delayed reply, thing have been really busy lately. Thank you for the kind words! It is the MD-6XP, and it has come in extremely handy on numerous vehicles already.

    Thank you Sully

    Thank you! Much appreciated.

    Thanks Chad!

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