New SLS Black Series

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by kakeuter, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. kakeuter

    kakeuter DB Forum Supporter

  2. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

  3. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Man that is a nice rig............................
  4. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Sicky sticky icky....

    Something about the overall stance is reminiscent of a viper....
  5. v|nsan|ty

    v|nsan|ty Obsessive Detailer

  6. Wheelz25

    Wheelz25 Jedi Nuba

    part of me likes it.....part of me thinks it looks like larger version of a hardtop s2000....not so sure what i think yet
  7. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I agree but recently had the opportunity to sit in one that my client was using at her driving school. Damn nice car. Interior feel is fantastic.

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