2007 Z06 Atomic Orange - could use some tips

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by aznives3, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. aznives3

    aznives3 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    hey guys, so after taking a long while off from detailing i decided to get back into the game and break out the tools. And what a car to start on, my friends 07 Z06 atomic orange corvette.

    So far i've just started on the interior and cleaned that up. Tomorrow ill be washing the exterior, and clay barring. Polishing work will come in the days coming as he's let me drag this process on for a few days since i've got a few other things to deal with at the moment.

    Upon a preliminary inspection of the paint under regular light bulbs & my dual halogens, i've noticed that there really aren't many swirls or anything too serious. However, the paint definitely looks hazy and dull, like someone had tried to polish it before and just left micro-marring or holograms all over the place. It was still quite dusty, so after the wash+claybar i should be able to find out for certain whats going on. It definitely doesn't have the "pop" of metallic. But thats on me to bring it back!

    All i've read so far is alot of people saying that the vette clearcoats are fairly hard, so here are the products i have available to attack it. Please let me know if you can recommend a certain combination from what i've got available that might get this car looking the way it should be! I'm asking for some help since i've been out of the picture for so long...

    -Flex 3401
    -Sonus SFX pads (yellow/white/blue)
    -LC pads (orange CCS & PFW)

    -Megs 80/83/105/205/Ultimate Compound

    I'm thinking about starting with 105+SFX yellow (equivalent to LC orange) around speed 5-5.5, and finishing down with 205 on a white pad. Is that a decent starting point or should i try something less aggressive to see?

    Any certain parts of the Z06 that i should pay extra attention to with regards to machine pressure/speed/heat?

    Can't wait to get this started, and i'm documenting it all and will post a thread in show n shine for sure once its all done with tons of pics!

    Thanks DB'ers!
  2. maxepr1

    maxepr1 Jedi Nuba

    I would start on the lighter side first before you jump into the 105. If the paint is just hazy with little RIDS, the Flex and 205 should be able to handle it!
  3. aznives3

    aznives3 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    so I just washed it and will be claying this afternoon. inspected it further inthe sun and under halogens and I can't really see too much. should I just go with 205 on an orange and then a white or just straight to white?
  4. JsDtell

    JsDtell Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    id go 205/white & maybe 80/white just for a lil pop
  5. aznives3

    aznives3 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    just finished putting the wax on after polishing for most of the day. after doing some testing, I ended up just going with a yellow sonus + 205 for a decent combo of a little cut, and I was actually surprised to see how well it finished down.

    I didn't get it 100% corrected but I did do an extra pass in areas that needed it. overall that combo was a pretty good way to get some decent correction but also finish down very nicely as well.

    I did try to hit one spot with 80+white, but honestly under all kinds of different lighting neither me or my fiancé were able to notice any extra pop or advantage to spending another day hitting the car with that combo.

    I'll be doing all the finishing touches to this detail and then will post up in the show n shine!

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