I got the phone call from a great friend of mine regarding this Bugatti. After it went on the rally there wasn't a chance to take off the stickers leaving them on for a couple months. Being that they were on the car for quite some time they eventually burnt into the paint from the sun. Upon arrival I tried numerous things to removes the shadowing but nothing worked. I was then told to do whatever I wanted as the car was going to need a repaint if I couldn't figure it out, so I went about fixing the shadowing by doing a regular correction with very slow speeds. Very nerve racking to say the least as your not supposed to compound/polish matte paint. I figured it out and brought the car back to life without removing the matte finish. Enjoy the photos. Wash Process Sticker Etching Correction Huge Thanks To My Buddy Andrew For Coming Out Scratches Underneath Door Handle Before After Correction Interior Cleaned Up Final Shots
Working outside all day in the heat!!! Wow man, you're a true soldier there. I'm sure it came out great just hard to see from the pics and matte white as you imagine. That's a super sexy car.
To say the least due to the matte but there wasn't any other way to get the shadowing off from the stickers. Paint correction on non matte cars is easy due to the fact thats all I do but matte paint was very stressful!