Dinan M5 Correction - Lucci Elite/Car Connoisseur

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Lucci Elite Detail, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Lucci Elite Detail

    Lucci Elite Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Dinan M5 Corrected. Brought Daniel in from Car Connoisseur to lend a hand.

    Special thanks to Bob of Auto Concierge for the recommendation to this client.








    During Correction Pics






































  2. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Nice work guys! Car looks great!
  3. blackTL

    blackTL Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    great job. looks very nice.
  4. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Looks awesome guys. Nice job. How do you like the Sonax polish Jimmy?
  5. stingray23

    stingray23 Jedi Nuba

    nice job
  6. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Damn that looks good; Nice teamwork again Jimmy and Daniel.
  7. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    Great work guys. That look sweet.
  8. DirtyWeRX

    DirtyWeRX DB Forum Supporter

    Looks great!

    How do I get a hold of that polish? Ive emailed sonax about it and they havent gotten back to me about it
  9. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    I left this detail for a desert, as it is trully amazing! Some artistic work there, Jimmy!
  10. Jtrem

    Jtrem Virgin Detailer

    With the size of those arms I'd expect him to be polishing by hand! lol


    Very Nice work!
  11. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    great job guys!
  12. bentley147

    bentley147 Jedi Nuba

    I know u used swissvax for your lsp ..paint looks good without the Orange peel
  13. drew935

    drew935 Auto Salon Works

    It has Dinan and detail 'Cleanness' Jimmy and Daniel!
  14. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    Great work!!

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