I wanted to post the "final" pics of the garage with the storage bins back in place (some have been moved now) and with the lighting in place, etc. Ken had mentioned about the FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic). Ironically enough, a friend of mine who owns a restaurant was just telling me about the very same stuff a week before. I heard it enough times to realize they are right. I picked up a 4 X 8 sheet in Detroit at Home Depot for $25. I installed it behind my recycle boxes to protect the wall from the stuff that gets tossed in there from the door. The other thing is that once I had installed it, I sprayed it with Permanon from my spray gun and wiped it down. That made it even slicker than it already was and will make wiping up any stains on it easier I would think. I have hung all but my Wheel Woolies on it and when I get them, they will have their place on there too. Here are the shots from the garage this afternoon. BTW, I gave the floor a quick mop with ONR in a bucket of water again. This is a great use for ONR and cleans the floor without making it too slippery and of course no soap residue either. You can see 2 of my CFL's on the ceiling. They're 12" long with a 4" diameter. 6500 colour temp if I recall. It hurts your eyes to look at them. I call them "Being before God" as they show every fault in the paint! I have 2 more on the other end that show when the door is down. My air compressor and side lighting: My folding table that I use for vacuuming mats. Beats breaking your back bending over doing them on the ground!! Vacuum hose and Gaia steamer hose hanging spots. Also, the roots bag has just drying mf's in it and the light brown one has all my vacuum attachments in it. I stole this idea for spray bottles from someone on DB a few years ago. Love it! My licence plate collection: FRP setup: My tunes. Often have my iphone plugged in for Sirius radio: "Say hello to my little friend!" This portable air conditioner is by far the thing I could not live without in the extreme heat of the summer: Big storage cabinet. I haven't even brought a lot of stuff up from the basement yet. Trying to keep it more simple and less cluttered. Time to get rid of some stuff too! Next to it are 2 bins. Top for mf's and the bottom for terry towels and misc stuff like the garbage bags to cover wheels, etc. My little cabinet: The only thing missing is a banner. I plan to have one made with my company LOGO and put it up on the same wall as the FRP.
Not really. The folding table is on rollers so I put my polisher and products on it as I'm working. Space is at a premium with both cars in there as well as the m/c, so I try not to have tools I won't use all the time. And, thanks! Thank you Roger.
Oh man, you're going to make me cry talking about it! I just finished writing the ad to put it up for sale. It's a 2000 Suzuki Intruder 1400 that I have owned since new. The bike has only 17,000 original km's (around 13,000 miles) and I have heavily modded it. It's fun, it's fast and it's beautiful, but I don't have the time to ride it. I can't justify $1,000/yr in insurance when I don't have time to ride it. I choose to detail over riding, no time for both. I will be very sad to see it go however. Thanks p1et! Thank you. Now if I can just keep it that way. Thanks. I'm glad I listened to Ken and my friend's advice on it! Yes, in this thread here: http://www.detailingbliss.com/forum/off-topic/33996-richs-garage-makeover.htm
Nice garage richy, if I have my own house, I would like my garage to look like that. How is the Meg wheel brightener holding up in your mercury pro?
Thank you. Here's the thread from when I initially set this up almost 5 years ago: http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/off-topic/9755-c-unit-setup.html Thanks Jason! Thank you. When I was setting everything back up, I put the WB in that bottle and have not yet used it. I guess it's so far so good with no use, LOL.