Auto Obsessed has a new SHOP!!!

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by hamza7, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. K3RMiTdot

    K3RMiTdot DB Forum Supporter

    is it open? :D
  2. R-Q5

    R-Q5 Virgin Detailer

    Curious to know as well. hoping for some grand opening sales! I gotta restock.
  3. AutoObsessed

    AutoObsessed Dealers

    We just announced the opening on FB, not sure if we can post pictures of the new facility here as we are still waiting to become a sponsor...

    In the meantime please visit the FB for pictures and information.

    Thank you
  4. Upper Class Detailing

    Upper Class Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    ^Just checked them out.....awesome studio.
  5. M3ride.

    M3ride. Wax on..Wax off

    Wow Troy, place looks unreal. Definitely going to stop by soon to check it out!
  6. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    Like I said on FB, it looks like a high end lounge! I'd be scared to dirty anything there.
  7. eShine

    eShine DB Pro Supporter

    Holy Christ. That is unreal. Do you guys ever detail anything that is dirty! LOL, I want come over for a Martini and a lap dance!
  8. AutoObsessed

    AutoObsessed Dealers

    Thank you for the comments.

    We are happy to finally open it, it has been a long 6 months getting this place ready.

    We wanted a different look and feel in the whole place, the boutique was setup with a bar look in mind, and the studio more of an operating room. The studio is actually very easy to clean, the floor is a 5 part hybrid epoxy/poly urethane that is extremely tough and easy to clean. The walls are PVC and actually attract dust, so we simply put QD on a dry mop and wipe the walls. The ceiling tiles in the clean room and studio are "clean room" tiles that you would find in a server room to minimize dust. All bays are sloped and have hot/cold/filtered water available so we wash by the doors and advance forward once dried. We also have a separate room called the "dirty room" so we can do dirtier work isolated from the rest of the studio, it can also be another clean room or car storage area for a completed car if we need the space.
  9. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    Wow is all I can say. You really planned this out into extensive detail. I hope all this investment goes well for you and fructifies! :thumb:
  10. AutoObsessed

    AutoObsessed Dealers

    LOL, no not the usual dirty cars so far. We do mostly specialty detailing or restorative, most cars are 12-30 hr corrective polishing/details.

    Definately come by sometime and we can have a Martini in the customer lounge(after hours ofcourse)

    Note: the customer lounge picture, Martini and car themed ;) ;)
  11. Zookie

    Zookie Jedi Nuba

    I just checked out your Website and Facebook Page and Pictures. Impressive!!!!
  12. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Wow, did you plan of this on your own or have some sort of consultant on it? Either way that's extremely impressive. Can't wait to see pics.
  13. AutoObsessed

    AutoObsessed Dealers

    We have posted some pics on FB.

  14. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Absolutely fantastic Troy. Congrats on getting it open.
  15. v|nsan|ty

    v|nsan|ty Obsessive Detailer

    Congratulations on opening! Unfortunately I can't access FB since China likes to block stuff. I'll have to swing by when I get back into Edmonton.
  16. R-Q5

    R-Q5 Virgin Detailer

    Congrats. The place looks great!
  17. UR2SLO

    UR2SLO Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Is there going to be a grand opening sale?

    I would of put a few t.v's in the showroom to display prices, details, services, etc. Possibly even one t.v for customers to access your website in the showroom/waiting room or just watch t.v in general in the waiting room.
  18. K3RMiTdot

    K3RMiTdot DB Forum Supporter

    i stopped by 2 weeks ago on there soft open. Going there... i wanted to buy everything...

    great shop troy!
  19. upsidedown

    upsidedown Virgin Detailer

    open one in calgary!!
  20. ////AMG

    ////AMG Two Bucket System Washer

    Everytime I drive by the EDM location I see the same black Acura Integra outside with zero customers. Looks like money isn't made selling products in Edmonton and most likely Alberta in general. Nobody cares for detailing products up here the common Joe prefers and always will just go to the local Canadian Tire, Wal-Mart, Parts Source, etc. And most the guys who are interested in detailing products can just source online for cheaper. I don't see the average person even getting their cars detailed here for $100/hr since all Facebook pics are cars over 100K+, and don't know how a business can just relies on those cars when Edmonton has very few of them.

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