Looking for Pro in Maryland

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Porsche Pilot, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. Porsche Pilot

    Porsche Pilot Virgin Detailer

    Greetings folks,
    I am in need of a professional in the Parkton, Maryland area for a referral job. The client has a Porsche Boxster Speedster and needs some help cleaning his Alcantara seats. I am in Florida and have never seen the car so I don't know what condition the seats are in. I have sent the client the cleaning protocols for Alcantara but he would rather have a professional tackle the problem. If anyone in the area can help or provide a recommendation I would appreciate it.
  2. Greg Nichols

    Greg Nichols Birth of a Detailer

  3. Porsche Pilot

    Porsche Pilot Virgin Detailer

    Thanks for the info Greg. Calling DJ Mayo...your website has no contact info. Give me a shout.

  4. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    DJ does awesome work, if he doesn't fall through. There are others in your area. PM me if interested.
  5. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    He just wants his seats cleaned, nothing else?
  6. Porsche Pilot

    Porsche Pilot Virgin Detailer

    As far as I know it's just the seats. This was a referral from a friend of a friend kinda deal. I am 600 miles away and have never seen the car or met the owner. If it is just the seats it would also be a great opportunity for some up selling. I have no clue where Parkton is or if any of you guys are close to it. He did say within 30 miles is good for him.
  7. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    80+ miles for me, a little too far.
  8. Mike Lambert

    Mike Lambert Birth of a Detailer

    I have a large collection I take care of in parkton,have him give me a call

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