Are there any easy to apply and remove paint sealants (not coatings) that are "better" than UPP ? My bottle of UPP is 3 years old and is still more than 1/2 full.
Not sure bout better UPP is a great product but there are others worth trying. Duragloss 501 and trackclaw, Optimum opti seal, bilt hamber finis wax, collinite 845
Jeffs Werkstat Prime + Acrylic Jet Trigger. Makes the paint flakes pop like crazy and leaves a very wet looking shine. Looks more like a wax than a sealant.
the list goes on......... check it........ this link discusses in depth the features and benefits of many of today's sealants, check it out....... alot of good information in the sub forums guys.
I have both UPP and PowerLock in my shop, I thought UPP was awesome then I bought PowerLock and saw a noticeable difference. UPP is still a great product though!
I like UPP >BWFD > PL because IME it last the longest ( poly-charged version ) leaves the best finish out of the 3 and masks light marring.