1970 Black Roadrunner, 3yr old repaint with clear, with hazing and swirls

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Meticulous-Detail, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Up until now I have done all OEM paints. I have a friend with a 1970 Roadrunner that was repainted 3 yrs ago with clear coat and has haze and swirls from the using a unknown product. You can see the hazing and swirls in the pictures.

    Looking for some advice on what products and pads I should use.

    Currently have Megs 105, 205 and D300 along with Adams swirl and haze remover and Adams fine machine polish. Megs recommends only using the D300 and MF pads on OEM paints. I also have Adams Green,Orange, White and black pads along with Megs MF cutting and Finishing pads for my PC 7424 XP.

    I was thinking to start with the white pad and the Megs 205 polish or Adams polish at setting 5 and if that doesn't work then move up to the orange or green pad. Then the Adams swirl and haze remover with orange and then green. If that doesn't work then the Megs 105 compound with a white pad and then maybe orange. Thoughts???

    Sorry used camera phone and the pics aren't that great but they are def. noticeable in the sunlight.

  2. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Bump, no advice or suggestions?
  3. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    To be honest this is where test spots come into play. Tape off a few sections of the hood and try a few of the combinations beginning with the least aggressive combo to more aggressive as the situation sees fit. It might be difficult for any of us to say which combination is the best since there are so many factors at play we may not know. From the pictures at least it doesn't look like there is a tremendous amount of trama to the paint so you might find something like M205 to work out real well without having to use M205 to remove the fine swirls, marring, and hazing. Overall, try the test spots, even if you don't find the right combo right away you get a chance to learn how different combinations of pads and compounds work with each other. Hope this helps!
  4. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    +1 Just start with M205 and a light cutting pad, see what happens.
  5. richy

    richy Guest

    There is no "right" answer. The truth is there are a few things that could probably work for you. The more tools at your disposal (rotary, DA, different pads:wool, foam, mf) then the more options you will have. Try M105 ( a very small amount) on your white pad and finish it till it's clear. It should remove easily (the residue) and then use 205 with a green, blue or black pad. Experiment. don't be afraid to experiment. Try different pad/polish combos till you find what works for each stage. play with it; enjoy the experimentation. Every job is like this, you need to experiment to see what works the best for that particular vehicle. To me, that's half the fun.
  6. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    As always, try the least aggressive stuff first. If it does the trick, than go along with it. If not, than go to more aggressive product.
  7. junebug

    junebug Jedi Nuba

    Experiment, but change the varibles 1 at a time. I'm currently in the church of the one polish, that is something like M105 mixed with D300 or 3D's Uno and I use the pads as the varible. I've found M105 on a red pad (yep the softy) worked like a charm on some paints that didn't want to finish down clear. I'm telling ya'll, the days of a half dozen polishes are coming to an end.
  8. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Thanx for the replies, I will let everyone know what worked out the best.
  9. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    So I finally got to attempt a detail on this 70 Roadrunner and wasn't to happy with the results. Hood , roof and trunk don't know how old the paint is, left and right side approx. 3 yr old. Don't have a paint meter.

    The process was:

    Clay (car wash already washed)
    Cleaned pad on the fly with a terry cloth after each panel
    10-15 pds of pressure
    Slow overlapping 6-8 passes with D300 then faster overlapping with D151
    Then Megs 205 on MF 6 finishing disc at speed 3 then 5 with PC; wasn't happy
    Then Megs 205 on MF 6 cutting disc at speed 3 then 5 with PC; wasn't happy
    Then D300 on MF 6 finishing disc at speed 3 then 5 with PC; wasn't happy
    Then D300 on MF 6 cutting disc at speed 3 then 5 with PC; wasn't happy but better results
    Tried a test spot with D151 and the paint seem to like it better then Megs 205

    Then D300 on MF 6 cutting disc at speed 3 then 5.5 with PC; ok results but still some RIDS and swirls but at this point I didn't want to push it w/o a meter and not knowing more details about paint.

    Opted for D300 on MF6 cutting disc at speed 3 then 5.5 with PC, then D151 on MF6 finishing disc, then Collonite 845 with a LC Red Pad. Also used the MF 3 cutting/finishing discs on speed 3 (is 3 too high?) wasn't happy with these results either.

    Here are the pics:
    Look at the cloudyness in the first three pics, I couldn't get rid of it and it was only in this one spot.
    009.jpg :


    Bottom line is I have used this system with fantastic results before and I just could get the paint to my liking, the cloudyness is driving me crazy. The owner seemed happy and I only did the back half of the car, so I am going back next week to finish the front.

    Thoughts, suggestions, comments for round two???????????????

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  10. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

  11. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Ok, you guys are killin me.................anyone??? Phil?????

    Have to finish this car on Saturday!
  12. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    It looks like paint imperfections that won't come out more like a stain. pics are not that good.
  13. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Ok thanx , I will talk to you more when I see you. The pics came out crappy bc of my new Iphone screen protector, can't see the screen in sunlight so can't see what I am taking a pic of.....................lol. It is coming off this week.

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