Hi guys, My name is Faysal and i live in Belgium I am starting a new autotrade business so i will be selling secondhand cars from 1000$ to 100,000$ and i am looking for a nice fresh funky innovative name to give to the autotrade to distinguish myself from concurrence and for people to easely recognize So i was wondering if some of you guys would like to do some brainstorming with me and come up with some original ideas. I had some suggestions in mind like Car Avenue or Car Passion or Auto Village or F Motors or F Automotive I would like something with Auto or Car or Cars or Motors in the name Let the brainstorming begin Thanks guys
What end of the spectrum are you selling from? Luxury cars? Sports cars? Economical cars? people carriers? Who is your main clientelle? This will greatly help in the brainstorming.
"Auto Broker" Makes it sound like your job is to find the right car at the best price for whomever will be buying...like an insurance broker.