Pricing Headlights

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by eliastouma, May 13, 2011.

  1. eliastouma

    eliastouma Virgin Detailer

    Hey all i was wondering how would i go about pricing headlight restoration to retail customers. I only really offered the service to my friends to try it out and see how it goes. The response from it has been good. I am not sure if i am over charging or undercharging but i have been charging 100 a headlight.
    any advice would help thanks
  2. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    Holy crap.... people are paying you $100 per headlight? Wow.....

    What are you doing to them? Sprinkling them with gold on top too?

    Even if you are doing it properly by sanding them and reapplying a UV coating, that is a pretty high price.
  3. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Depends, I start at 35.00 per and goes up from there.
  4. pecka13

    pecka13 Birth of a Detailer

    holy crap. thats a alot. I charge 20 for simply sanding them down a bit and repolishing them. But i know i undercharge... its basically only for my friends also.
  5. eliastouma

    eliastouma Virgin Detailer

    oh wow i am totally overcharging. i thought the price was high at first but when people kept coming back for them i thought it was fair. Thanks for the advice i will be definitely changing that now before i do more damage.
  6. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    So the people are coming back?

    Are you just doing a sand/buff/seal procedure? And then the headlights yellow again in a several week/ months?

    If you are then that is a complete ripoff in my opinion. Like I said earlier, most reputable shops that actually do "permanent" restorations by sanding off the scratches and the factory coating and applying a few layers of new UV coating charge about $150-200 MAX for both headlights and guarantee their work to last at least 2-3 years.
  7. eliastouma

    eliastouma Virgin Detailer

    yeah no im just doing a sand buff and seal. Im glad i actually posted something because i dont want to rip people off.
  8. pecka13

    pecka13 Birth of a Detailer

    Hmm wobdering where I can get this uv protector.? Our body shop might want some.
    But they dont get yellow in a week. It takes them a while.
    If 3m can charge ppl 3o for a kit that gets rid of yellow headlights... Just for a small polishing pad and some polish, then a 100 for you to do is, pretty reasonable actually but not the world we live in
  9. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    I recenly wet sanded and polished headlights on my 12 year old Infiniti I30t, as well as on my mom's 6 year old Acura RL, and applied Cquartz to them as regular sealants suck balls in terms of durability/UV protection on plastic...we'll see how it will hold up...
  10. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Mr Royce was once asked how he could substantiate such a high price for his cars, his answer was [Whatever the market will stand] if you are providing a service that people need and getting repeat customers... it’s called good business...
  11. froboy272

    froboy272 Obsessive Detailer

    [i agree. by me this service is a dime a dozen and so is engine cleaning. but if you can get $100 and the customer leaves with a smile why change from that? PS TOGWT

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