Hit by a Semi truck today

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Danny, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Today as I was leaving to from picking up a frame for my new mattress I has hit by gasoline semi truck. I passed him on a side road and while I was at a stop sign on an access road on interstate 10 waiting to turn right while looking to see if the coast was clear. He blocked my view did a california stop and then took off turning to the right before I did. Well the gas tanker trailer drove up on all the front left side of my 2004 mustang gt. The driver door is messed up, the side mirror is hanging, the left fender, front bumper, and headlight are all ruined. There was one witness that was three cars behind me stating that I squeezed in between the trucker when he was already at the stop to make the right turn, when in fact that is not true. I was waiting at the stop sign first when the trucker pulled up on the left side of me. Well there was no cameras in the area that got it on tape and it's my word against the driver's. Since all I have liability and uninsured motorist from Gieco on the 2004 Mustang gt and the officer at the scene said that its my word against his and that the insurance companies are going to go with what that one witness said. I am basically screwed and going to have to pay the damages out of my pocket. All because the witness that "supposably" saw it all happen 3 cars back said it was all my fault. I would load photos but my photobucket it also screwed because I went over the bit-rate. I was saving to go on a vacation next month to florida now all my money is going to have to go towards fixing the mustang gt. I told my friend who is an attorney today about it, he is going to investigate it further to see if we even can make a case out of this. I just had to let you guys know. My vehicle is already at a body shop where I have taken it before to get minor work done to it. I know the owner of the shop and he is going to have his guys tear it down and let me know how much its going to run me.:(
  2. toyotaholic

    toyotaholic Virgin Detailer

    That seriously sucks, hope everything works out with minimal $$.
  3. kdude

    kdude Jedi Nuba

    Hope it all works out.. good luck!
  4. Cheap5.0

    Cheap5.0 Birth of a Detailer

    Wow that really sucks. The good news is (from past experience) your year mustang is very easy repair and parts are a plenty in yards. Just for some perspective, a guy got killed down the road here in a similar situation. Thank god your just dealing with a messed up ride.
  5. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    That's nonsense. Demand that an agent come out and look at the damage. You should be easily able to tell that he dragged up the side of you because paint will be smeared in that direction as well as the major impact will be in the back rather than the front. Get a statement from the bodyshop that evalutates the damage and bring it to court.
  6. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    Sorry to hear your bad luck Danny. I hope it all works out in your favor.
  7. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    The area that I was stuck under was where the 3 different grades of gas are. Basically the metal caps where they connect the hoses to fill the gas tanks up. So theres not really any paint rub off from the semi since they are bare metal.

    And thanks for everyone kind words.
  8. pecka13

    pecka13 Birth of a Detailer

    basically the truck driver didnt know how to go wide and scraped your car.
  9. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    I'm glad to hear your okay, and I hope everything works out.
  10. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    I hate situations like this..."witness". Damn him, and tell him that devil will drag him to hell (just like in the movie, "drag me to hell"). I been in a similar accident where a dully Dodge ram 3500 had a platform that he carries cars, and as he was making a left turn he hit me with his "tail" and cut across 2 doors and a fender. And there was a "witness" that said I hit him. I was so pissed. Everything worked out, but I really wish that "witness" will have a liar witness against him one day, just to teach him a lesson...
  11. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    You totally know what I am going through man, I also hope the witness gets screwed in the future as well for being a liar. I went to an attorney today that specializes with automotive accidents. They are going to file a claim for me with the trucking company's insurance and we are going to go from there.
  12. Dannyk

    Dannyk Jedi Nuba

    So what did the truck driver say after the accident? Did the other 2 cars offer assitance? If not, they left the scene of an accident, so maybe the third car can correctly identify them. Just not sure how a person 3 cars back can see so well with a truck turning and you sitting there, unless it's on a down slope. And why is a truck in the far left lane to turn right? I drive truck for a living, in Pa. it states when turning as the truck has, to stay in the one lane or if two lanes, the same lane as the turn, and if cars are blocking your path from entering a new direction, they have to give way, the reason is because of swinging wide and hitting someone on the blind side, which it sounds like happened here. Just trying to get some clarity here for your personall use. Ask the third car if they saw the turn signal on the truck and when it was activated also. Wish you the best, as i think you have a case here for reckless driving on the trucks part.Good Luck.
  13. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    The trucker said I squeezed in between him which I didnt. I never saw or spoke to any of the witnesses nor did any, even the third offer any assistance. The only reason the officer found the third witness is because they work at a small carlot that is on that corner where the collision happened. I had to get out through the passenger side and no one was even there when I go out of my car which was about a minute or less after it happened.
  14. Dannyk

    Dannyk Jedi Nuba

    Check the law about turns for trucks and see what it reads and see if that is what he did or didn't do.
  15. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    I will look into it thanks I am already be represented so I will mention it to my attorney:)
  16. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    that's sucks!!! I stay as far as I can from all trucks!!! but I can't when I'm at you'r situation. good luck with everything. well ill be in FL next week lol
  17. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    I was in a accident last year when someone behind me bump into me at the light and when the police came, he said I reverse into him lol
  18. astro_ng

    astro_ng Jedi Nuba

    Hey, sorry about your situation. It's good to know that you didn't get physically hurt in any way though. This is going to sound bad coming from a car enthusiast, but at the end of the day it is still a car. The good thing is that you weren't hurt!
  19. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    I actually was my lower back hurts and I am going to go to the doctor on monday since I couldnt go yesterday because they were closed:(
  20. Bmer89

    Bmer89 DB Forum Supporter

    Sorry to hear about your car man. I know it's "just a car", but if it were my car, I'd be freaking out! I too, stay far away from semi's. Always flickin' rocks and they never see small cars... One day I want to fit mine with some truck horns :whistle:

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