Guy's been very busy, this is a 07 BMW Monaco Blue. Full correction is what the customer wanted. Interior was like brand new, didn't even snap any pictures. Engine bay just needed a good wash. Exterior had RIDS, Holograms, and some water etching. 18 hours in total. Had to go with PFW and 105 on a rotary to knock down the damage then went over with Hydro finishing pad and 205. Softest paint I've ever seen! Marred with everything, that why I ended up with 205 and a finishing pad. I tried jeweling with 85rd but all I was doing was adding marring everywhere! IPA I had diluted down to 2:1 to remove carrier oils and even then it was inducing marring! So I consulted with Dave from Street Dreams (thanks Dave,I owe you) he suggested Meg's Final Inspection, which worked much better! Finished off with Power Lock. Enjoy!
I have a 335xi comming up (black saph met), and you say the clear is soft?! I tried last time and I had a nightmare getting rid of swrils! Gonna try some Optimum hyper compound/polish this time around. Good job! Looks more black then blue!
Phil, I believe the car was resprayed. You are correct they are normally hard but this one was so soft IPA wipedowns were just marring up the paint! Had to go to 2:1 IPA and even then marring. Talked with Dave from Street Dreams and he recomended 34 final inspection for wipedowns and that worked much better! Jeweling was out of question due to the fact the marring induced was not worth all the time. .
maybe your pads and towels were dusty? since you seem to be doing this outside. sorry not outside but with the garage door open
Nope, inside with the door closed. Outside for inspection. I do allot of full corrections a year (47 last year) ain't my first rodeo!
Yeah - I noticed my dad's '10 3er has soft clear. It was swirled and hologramed like crazy for a one year old car. Nice work! I take it you are a full-time detailer (at 47 per year). Dang!
No...LOL I'm only part time! I did 47 full corections last year, but many 1 stepers and wash and wax jobs. Work my regular job Fri-Sun, so it affords me time during the week. Don't advertise and website I took down to update but my good friend and web designer past away so I haven't been able to get myself to hire anyone to do it. Been detailing cars for about 20 years but the last year my wife lost her job so I just didn't turn down any work. All my clients are word of mouth and repeat customers. I'm pretty lucky in this day and age, the economy hasn't hurt me at all! Knock on wood! I only like full corrections to be honest but I'll take what comes my way!